
Support at Kcl for Care Experienced and Estranged Students

(Information adapted from the King's College London website)

52-week accommodation

KCL offers 52-week lets (all year round, including summer months) accommodation for all estranged and care-experienced students. You will have to notify residences that you would like to stay for 52 weeks as this is only available in selected halls of residence.

King's Affordable Accommodation Scheme (KAAS)

Estranged and care-expereinced students are also eligible for the King’s Affordable Accommodation Scheme (KAAS) in which accommodation is capped at £169 per week.

Care-experienced and Estranged Student Bursary

Worth up to £1,000 per year, is available for students who are under 25 when enrolling and have experience of local authority care or are estranged. 

King's Living Bursary

Open to every full-time home first degree student who has been means-tested with a final income assessment of £42,641. The bursary is worth up to £1,600 a year.

Now, more than ever, it's important that we look after ourselves and our wellbeing.

KCLSU Wellbeing supports you to take care of yourself and get the best of you and your King’s community through the Wellbeing Hub and Peer Support.

Further information and useful links

  • The Unite Group Accommodation: the Foundation provides free student accommodation and an annual scholarship to young people in the UK who aspire to a degree, but face the most challenging circumstances

  • Become (former The Who Cares Trust): This charity provides help, support and advice to children in care and young care leavers

  • Propel: the information portal of Become for care leavers transitioning into higher education – useful resources about financial support, different courses and application to HE institutions

  • The Catch 22 National Care Advisory Service (NCAS): delivers holistic support to looked after children and care leavers through their nationwide network

  • The Rees Foundation: this charity supports young people and adults with foster care and residential care experience, they provide mentoring and a network for people with care background

  • NNECL: National Network for Education of Care Leavers, provides Higher Education Activities and Resources for Care Leavers, Children in Care and Those Who Support Them

  • Student Finance for Independent students: comprehensive guidance on applying for finances for care leavers