

Who are estranged students?

Estranged students are those studying without the support and approval of their parents and often the wider family network. Students in this position often have no contact at all with their family, have removed themselves from a dysfunctional situation or have been disowned.

We live in a society that values family, but what about people who have difficult family situations, or have lost or broken contact with parents and/or other family members i.e. they are estranged from them?

Whether you know someone who has experienced estrangement or not, you can step up as an ally and make a great big difference!

How to be an ally:

  1. Normalize talking about estrangement

Estrangement is often unfamiliar to people because it’s not talked about very often. By explicitly talking about estrangement, you can let estranged students know you are including them whilst also making the concept more familiar to other potential allies.

  1. Mind your everyday language

We talk about families a lot, which can be uncomfortable for students experiencing estrangement. Sometimes even seemingly innocent questions can put estranged students in a position where they feel excluded. Ask open questions and be led by the individuals you’re speaking with.