November 1st Submissions

Deadline Past for 2024

All ten-minute and one-act plays from the region need to be uploaded to submittable (more info below) by November 1st to be considered for invitation to the Regional Festival and potentially the National Festival.

All full-length plays wishing to be considered for the NAPAT Playwriting Award must also be submitted by November 1st.

On November 1st the Regional Chair will reach out to another Regional Chair and the two will swap play submissions to read. That means that all the scripts from this region will be read and ranked by readers from another area of the US. For 2024 we are swapping with Region 3. Readers are selected by the regional chairs. Some are professors, some are industry folx, and some are recent graduates from other programs. But all are either volunteering their time or working for a very small stipend to read through all the submissions and rank them. This takes about 30 days. After the rankings, the Regional Chair and Vice Chair will send notices to all the playwrights who submitted either inviting their play to festival or letting them know they were not selected. Unfortunately there is no feedback offered from these rankings and selections at this time.

Ready? Click the image below!

You'll be redirected to the KCACTF Submittable Page. You will need to create a free submittable account to submit your work. Please try and remember to submit a pdf without any identifying information.