Resources for Writing Plays

There are so many schools of thought and traditions tied to writing playscripts. Here we will try and offer some easily accessible links to information we are most asked about at festival. All of the resources here are free and open to the public. 

If you have questions or need further guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the regional Chair (Carlos-Manuel) and Vice Chair (Kamarie). We really are happy to help!

And if you are needing to know festival specific information, please click here for more information!


The basic idea behind formatting is that each page will run about a minute long in performance and will have a similar format so that anyone reading can understand what's going on. We will offer a few examples from expert institutions, but if you are consistent in your formatting and understand that we assume each page to be a minute long, you'll likely be good to go.

Here are a few links:

Formatting Guidelines from The Dramatist Guild

Free downloadable templates from The Dramatist Guild

Playscript Guidelines (Sam Graber) The Playwrights Center

School Instructor (Ian Finnley) video instruction using Word (a little dated, but useful)

Utilizing a template or a software designed for crafting scripts, is great! There is no need to pay a lot of money for one though. Often times apps you are already using will have a template for this. Technically screenplays do look different than stage plays, BUT if that's what you have access to and are comfortable using, that's okay! Consistency in formatting is the key here. If we can follow along and know what you're getting at, then we're good to go.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! But likely you want to be submitting your best work. Ask yourself, "Is this script ready to be produced?" If it's your best work, we absolutely want to read it. If it still needs work, maybe next year is a better choice. 

Due to the number of submissions and the quick turnaround to read and select, there is no feedback offered at this time.

The idea is that your scripts are only being ranked and assessed based on the script itself. (Not your name or school) Submitting with your name and school information may cause a reder to form a bias (that they may not even be aware they have!)

It's not the end of the world. You will not be disqualified and your script will still be considered for selection.

Faculty and Mentors across the region (and country) are asked to read for the various categories. If you are interested in being a reader, please email by Nov 15, 2023.

Lauren Gunderson has been America's most produced playwright multiple years. During covid she offered six classes on playwriting. These can all be viewed for free on youtube and are full of useful information.

Suzan-Lori Parks is one of our country's most cherished and innovative playwrights. Not only does she have several interviews about her work, she is a generous educator and offers a monthly "Watch Me Work" session through HowlRound TV

The Playwrights' Center of Minneapolis is a beacon of support to new playwrights offering multiple residencies, submission resources, and many other supports for emerging and established playwrights. While some of these resources require a membership ($8 a month) the Playwrights' Tool Kit is free and full of amazing articles and lessons about playwriting.