Umbrella Question Model

Knowledge Building Center Tutorial

by David V. Loertscher  

Note: This website has been superceded by the Knowledge Building Center Template at: 

This site is a tutorial on how to build a new Google Site using the Umbrella Question Model.

NOTE: The Umbrella Question Model was created by David V. Loertscher. This tutorial was written by Dr. Loertscher and then put on this Google Site by Tayci Stallings, a graduate student in the School of Information, San Jose State University.  The full tutorial is in four different sub-pages that can be found by hovering over the "Tutorial" link at the top. The rest of the pages are examples of how to build out this model for students so that they can participate in this type of learning experience on a new Google Site. The student pages begin with the "Home" link.

The umbrella question model helps learners of all ages to explore three areas of learning as illustrated in The Successful Learner poster below. The learner develops personal expertise; experiences cooperative learning with peers; and, hopefully gets a taste of what collaborative intelligence is, looks like, feels like, and its benefits in many innovations that are created today.  Traditional learning experiences often end with Phase 1 in that they ask the learner to research a topic, produce a product, make a presentation, and get a grade. In the umbrella question model, the traditional practice is a prelude to the main event where deep learning can actually happen. Finally, the Big Think provides learners and adults a chance to reflect on the learning experience as a whole so that the next time such a project is undertaken, both learners and mentors will not make the same mistakes and together, will be more sophisticated at inquiry, problem solving, critical thinking and the soft skills needed to carry through from beginning to end.