
The teacher librarian, classroom teacher, other specialists and the students can list here all types of information resources that might be helpful in pursuing this particular topic. Books, databases complete with searching tips, helpful websites, multimedia, resources in various languages, information at varying levels and interest levels, etc. This is a collaborative effort, not just a list from the teacher librarian.

Example: For a unit on various cultures of the world, the following are suggested resources for students:

Apps for iPads

  • World customs and culture

  • Stack the Countries

  • All The Countries: Countries of the world


  • Series: Spotlight on my country (Interest level: K-3)

  • Series: Countries of the world (Interest level: K-3)

  • Series: Country Explorers (Interest level: K-3)

  • Series: Holidays around the world

  • Series: Celebrations in my world

  • Series: Pebble plus. Life around the world

  • Series: Enchantment of the world. Second series

  • Series: Cultures of the world

  • Series: Lands, peoples, and cultures series

  • A calendar of festivals: Celebrations from around the world, retold by Cherry Gilchrist; illustrated by Helen Cann

  • World holidays: A Watts guide for children, by Heather Moehn

  • Usborne stories from around the world, by Heather Amery

  • Music around the world, by Teresa Domnauer

  • A first atlas, by Sue Hook

  • Peoples of the world, by Roma Trundle

  • What a wonderful world, by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele

  • Hats, Hats, Hats, by Ann Morris

  • Art projects from around the world: grades 1-3, by Linda Evans

  • Around the world art and activites: Visiting the 7 continents through craft fun, by Judy Press

  • Scholastic news nonfiction readers: Kids like me series (We are alike, we are different, This is the way we play, This is the way we help at home, This is the way we go to school, This is the way we eat our food, This is the way we dress)

  • Our multicultural world series (How are we the same and different?, We are the earth, What is culture?, and What is religion?), by Bobbie Kalman


  • Series: Families of the World

  • Series: Holidays for children video series


  • Music and Sound by Maxine and Hannah: Pump up the volume and explore music from around the world. From barrels to brooms, all kinds of objects can be used as musical instruments. Maxine and Hannah investigate the difference between low and high pitch sounds. Higher sounds make more waves closer together. At the museum, they matched the notes made by tubes to tuning forks. They matched plastic and cardboard tubes to different notes on the keyboard, but had some problems with all the sound from the metal tubes.

  • Culture Quest World Tour: Culture is the customs, beliefs, arts and institutions of a group of people. Parsifal has spent his entire life in Antarctica where there is no culture to speak of--just a few research stations where people eat freeze-dried spam and play checkers. Parsifal is eager to become a world citizen through his travels with the knowledgeable Ophelia Owl. Perched on his wing, Ophelia will explain and describe the world that she has experienced through reading all the books in the Fowlerville Public Library. Join Parsifal and Ophelia as they sample the delicious cuisines, play the games, see the museums full of arts, crafts and history, hear the folktales and learn about the holidays & festivals of many of the world's cultures.