
Dr. Kazuki Yamamoto

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology


295C, Main Building, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Email: yamamoto [at] phys.titech.ac.jp

Research Interest

Nonequilibrium many-body physics in open quantum systems:

I am interested in strongly correlated phenomena in condensed matter physics, particularly in open quantum systems with ultracold atoms. Recently, I am working on many-body physics by using both analytical and numerical methods, such as Bethe ansatz, conformal field theory, and (non-Hermitian generalization of) density-matrix renormalization group analysis.

Entanglement phase diagram:

Recently, novel quantum phenomena that have no counterpart in a closed system have been observed: The measurement-induced phase transitions, which have recently attracted great interest such as in condensed matter physics and quantum information sciences. We have obtained the phase diagram in disordered quantum many-body dynamics under continuous measurement (see our paper).

What's New

I am going to give a poster presentation in The 28th International Conference on Atomic Physics - Imperial College, London, UK

I have received the 23rd Tokyo Tech Challenging Research Awards

I have given a poster presentation in Trends in Theory of Quantum Materials 2024 - Switzerland

Research grant by Murata Science and Education Foundation has been adopted (FY2024, Total cost 3500K JPY)

I have received 23th Funai Information Research Award for Young Researchers

I have given a talk in Quantum Simulation of Novel Phenomena with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules - Kyoto

I have given a seminar in the University of Zurich (Held by Theory of Quantum Matter Laboratory (PI: Prof. Titus Neupert)). I especially thank to Prof. Neupert for the discussion and the nice lunch!

I have given a seminar in the University of Fribourg (Held by Computational Physics Laboratory (PI: Prof. Philipp Werner))

I have given a seminar in the University of Geneva (Held by Theory of Quantum Matter Laboratory (PI: Prof. Thierry Giamarchi)). Prof. Giamarchi and a lot of researchers have welcomed me. Especially, I thank Prof. Giamarchi for the nice lunch and all of his hospitality!

I am going to stay at the Computational Physics Laboratory (PI: Prof. Philipp Werner) in the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

Research grant by Toyota RIKEN Scholar Program has been adopted (FY2024, Total cost 1000K JPY)

The joint paper "Theory of non-Hermitian fermionic superfluidity on a honeycomb lattice: Interplay between exceptional manifolds and Van Hove singularity" has been published in Physical Review B (Letter)

I have received the Young Scientist Research Award of the Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology

I have received 40th Inoue Research Award for Young Scientists

I have given a talk in 12th Nonequibilrium Quantum Workshop - Kravavec, Slovenia

(Click the arrow on the right side for past news)

The joint paper "Interaction-induced Liouvillian skin effect in a fermionic chain with a two-body loss" has been published in Physical Review B

I have given a talk in Workshop on Criticality, Dynamics, and Nonequilibrium Behavior in Quantum Systems - Évora, Portugal

JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up has been adopted (FY2023-2024, Total direct cost 2.2M JPY, Grant No. 23K19031)

I have given an oral presentation in Workshop on Dynamics of Monitored Quantum Many-Body Systems - Trieste, Italy

I have given an oral presentation in 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics - Tokyo

I have given a seminar in Extreme Universe Circular Meeting

The original paper "Localization properties in disordered quantum many-body dynamics under continuous measurement" has been published in Physical Review B (Letter)

Research grant by Yamaguchi Educational and Scholarship Foundation has been adopted (FY2023, Total cost 800K JPY)

I have given a seminar entitled "Nonequilibrium quantum many-body physics in open systems" in Tokyo Institute of Technology

I have moved to Tokyo Institute of Technology as an assistant professor

I have given a talk in American Physical Society March Meeting 2023 - Las Vegas

The original paper "Universal description of dissipative Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids with SU(N) spin symmetry: Exact spectrum and critical exponents" has been published in Physical Review B

I have given a seminar at Katsura Group in Univ. Tokyo

I have given a talk in Trends in the Theory of Quantum Materials 2022 (Swiss-Japan workshop 2022) - Switzerland

I've been awarded the Student Presentation Award of the Physical Society of Japan (Division 1) in Japan Physical Society Autumn Meeting 2022 (release from Kyoto University)

I have given a talk in Japan Physical Society Autumn Meeting 2022

I have given a talk in 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics

I have given a poster presentation in SCES2022 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

I have attended the Enrico Fermi Summer School Course 211 - Varenna, Lake Como, Italy

The original paper "Universal properties of dissipative Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids: Case study of a non-Hermitian XXZ spin chain" has been published in Physical Review B

I have given an invited talk in APCTP workshop "Numerical Methods in Theoretical Physics" (Youtube)

I have given a talk in Ultracold Atoms Japan 2022


Koga Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Condensed Matter Theory Group, Kyoto University

Talk in APCTP (Click the Youtube button on the right side)