Our Mission Statement 

With the spirit of Ho’opono (to make proper), programs are designed to provide interaction, stewardship, and education on symbiotic relationships between animals, land, and people. The lives of youth at risk, kupuna (elders), inmates, and our community are then greatly enriched.

The Matter Of Fact 

Through the years that mankind has inhibited our beautiful island of Kaua'i, many different species have joined us while we thrive in an environment that lacks seasons. 

This makes our aina (land) a perfectly sustainable habitat for not just us, but the animals we know and love. Although most animals would thrive in the wild here on Kaua'i, releasing unwanted pets has become an unfortunate reality that is not the answer.  

Many of our native species have gone extinct and most of the ones we know today are suffering because of direct and indirect effects that invasive, non-native species have on our environment.  

At KAEF, we offer a number of services that make a difference by providing an escape for people, a positive impact on the land, and an ideal outcome for animals. 

Through generous donations and activities, we are able to provide a home for the animals who are in need of a new start which prevents the release of a potential threat to the sensitive ecosystem. 

We take pride in offering people a safe place to connect with animals to visits with our animals. Through gardening and nourishment of native plants, we strive to provide native species of all kinds with a safe place to once again call home.

Board Of Directors

Karla Villanueva-Bernal


Christine Burns


Lawai'a Naihe

Board Member

Christy Souza

Founder / Executive Director