How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions?

How Does Sex Affect Your Emotions? 7 Things to Know About Attraction and Arousal

Contrary to what you may be told you are not a gender to directly affect your emotional response to sexual activity.

Women are a victim of their emotions that are erratic; while men are in complete control of the emotions they feel. This is what the popular wisdom used to have us believe.

These concepts have deep roots however, humans are more complex than that.

There are some studies conducted by Trusted Source to show females are the most open about their emotions, at all in United States and some Western European countries.

It is also suggested that men also have the same or a greater physiological reaction to stressors that cause emotional distress.

This could be caused by the cultural influence that we are part of. Perhaps we've have been acting according to what was taught to us as acceptable.

Nowadays the population is less inclined to adhere to the simple gender classifications.

Whichever gender you are and whether you are open about the same or not, you emotional reaction to sexual stimulation is entirely yours.

Certain people require an emotional connection to feel physical attraction

Do you want to experience some kind of attraction before the thought of sex comes to mind? If you're like that aren't alone, then you're not alone.

Perhaps you're looking to connect to a higher level. Perhaps it's their thoughts or that you have certain fundamental philosophies about life.

Maybe you felt that initial tingle of excitement as you laughed until you wept.

It could be a case of je nie sais quoi which is that specific thing that you can't describe and yet you are aware of it when it occurs.

You're in search of an intimacy. When your emotions are at a high level and you've created the emotional connections, you might start to feel physical excitement.

Outside of that there's no way to be interested in sexual activity. You're into making love.

Others discover that physical attraction could lead to feelings of attraction

Certain people are physically drawn to one another as magnets.

There's a chemical reactionthat triggers craving, a pure physical desire to be physically with someone else. It's lust.

When the chemistry between individuals is perfect, the desire to be physical can turn to become much more.

A retrospective review from 2012 identified two regions of the brain that monitor the progress from sexual attraction to love. The first is the Insula. It's located in the cerebral cortex.

The other is known as the striatum. It's located inside the brain's forebrain. The striatum, in fact, is also linked to addiction to drugs.

Sexual and romantic desire stimulate different areas in the striatum.

Food and sexual activity are two of the things that are enjoyable that stimulate the lust component. The process of conditioning --of reward and value can trigger the love aspect.

Since sexual attraction is recognized, it can become an unavoidable habit and can lead into the direction of the love of your life.

When feelings of lust begin to develop into love, a different part of the striatum becomes dominant.

Other people may discover that emotional and physical attraction work in completely different ways

Humans are complex creatures with layers.

For certain people there are clearly defined lines between emotional and physical attraction. They do not necessarily have to be in sync.

It is possible to be deeply attracted to someone even without even the slightest sexual inclination. Perhaps you're experiencing a dazzling physical attraction to someone who isn't doing things for your emotionally.

In long-term relationships individuals can choose between expressing sexual contact and falling in love - or not having sexual contact at all or avoiding sexual activity altogether-and that's fine.

Whatever your personal outlook sexuality and emotions have the same effect on the pathways of the brain

A study from 2018 found that there are integral connections between emotional, sexual and reproductive brain functions that have to have to do with the the endocrine gland and, specifically the hormone known as kisspeptin.

According to an Tufts University neuroscience blog Sexual arousal doesn't occur in a vacuum however, it happens in a context.

It involves physiological, cognitive and neuronal processes that all are affected by emotion. It makes sense.

Additionally, most people feel similar emotions when they engage in sexual activities and release

The high levels of hormones during sex can mean that certain emotions are frequent during or shortly after sexual activity.

No one is able to experience every emotion every time, and that's a fact.

Some of the most positive are:

  • Euphoria

  • Total release

  • Relaxation and peace

  • Satisfaction

In the event of a crisis it is possible that you will experience less than positive feelings, for instance:

  • vulnerability

  • embarrassment

  • guilt

  • Feeling overwhelmed emotionally or physically

If you suffer from postcoital dysphoria, you may be a bit anxious, sad or crying after sexual activity..

It's also important to note that sexual stimulation can shut off areas of the prefrontal cortex.

We may not always be aware even when it happens in our lives, however it's apparent when we look back. This isn't the stuff of fantasy or science fiction. It's real.

Arousal from sexual stimuli can cause the brain to shut down areas of the brain that enable you to think and act like an intelligent human being.

You actually get rid all senses.

The ability to judge and reason is lost to sexual attraction that is swept away by the excitement.

If you look back in reality, you might be wondering with a hint of embarrassment or regret, what you thought.

Hint: You weren't.

The dependency on Oxytocin is also a thing

Oxytocin is one of the hormones created in the hypothalamusthat can open the floodgates once you are sexually active.

The oxytocin rush is connected to the physical side of sexual sex. It also enhances feelings like love, affection and feelings of euphoria.

It is well-deserved to be it is the the hormone that causes love. Unfortunately, it is possible to become obsessed with the feeling or even awed by love.

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone that keeps your mind glued to the screen.