Lab photos

2024-06-15 Graduation Ceremony

2024-03-26 March Birthday Party

2024-01-18 Year-end banquet and KTV

2024-01-11 Microbiota center year-end party.

2023-12-21 Our 4th X'mas Party.

2023-12-03 Taiwan Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting

2023-11-29 Microbiology Society (UK) visit and November birthday party

2023-11-24 3-min talk competition.

2023-10-14 Inauguration conference of the Asia Pacific Microbiota Consortium (APMC).

2023-08-24~08-26 2023 (27th) Bacteriology Conference 

2023-08-09 Farewell party (Fi & Ni)

2023-06-28 Defense

2023-06-07 Group photos for graduation

2023-04-28 Apr Birthday party.

2023-03-21 Mar Birthday party.

2023-02-21 Jan & Feb Birthday party.

2022-12-22 X'mas party.

2022-12-03 & 12-04 Taiwan Society of Microbiology Annual Meeting. 

2022-08-25 & 27 We host the 26th Bacteriology Conference. 

2022-08-02 & 12 Alan, Andrea, Jean, and Red's thesis defense. 

2022-06-11 Congratulations to all graduating students! 

2022-04-20 IMI thesis competition.

2022-03-09 Lab group photos.

2022-03-08 CYLab new girl's team (走啦飛啦).

2022-01-26 Year-End-Benquet.

2021-12-23 X'mas party.

2021-12-05 TSM Annual Congress.

2021-11-04 Welcome party.

2021-10-14 Happy birthday, Annie.

2021- 09 Midnight party.

2021-07-07 We're still only halfway to finishing this....agar tower ?

2021-04-19 Picnic.

2021-01-19 Year-end party.

2020-12-20 Xmas gift-exchange party.

2020-12-05 Taiwan Society of Microbiology (TSM) annual meeting.

2020-12-02  Awards ceremony of “SuperLab Scholarship for Elite Vietnamese Graduate Students”.

2020-09-04 NYCU symposium for Biological Technology and Therapeutic Development.

2020-06-11 National Yang-Ming University 2020 annual academic poster seminar.

2020-06-04 CY's birthday party.

2020-04-28 Hot pot with new lab member - Mickey.

2020-01-06 Farewell  ! Pekkee's last day in Taiwan.

2019-12-31 Year-end Banquet.

2019-12-24  Lab Xmas Party.

2019-10-31 Superlab visiting (Biotech company).

2019-10-03 SR birthday and PK welcome party.

2019-08-31 We organized the first symposium co-hosted by ASM, TSM, and NYMU.