Write for Kansas English

See KE Columns for information about submitting Children's and YA Book Reviews and Teaching Tips

Deadline for submissions: January 15, 2025

Consider submitting the following types of manuscripts:

1. Practitioner Pieces describing how you teach a particular text, skill, or concept in your English language arts and/or literacy classroom.

2. Scholarly Articles, including research studies and academic arguments supported by research in English education and/or literacy education.

3. Reflective Essays about teaching English language arts and/or literacy.

4. Creative Works (e.g., poetry, vignettes, photography) related to teaching English and/or literacy.

5. Interviews with authors (children's, YA, and adult) and experts in the field of English language arts and/or literacy.

6. Book Reviews of recently published English/literacy pedagogy texts.

7. Conversation Pieces in response to previously published work in Kansas English.

8. Kansas-Specific Articles that would be of interest to English and/or literacy teachers in Kansas.


Length:  Manuscripts should typically not exceed 15 pages, excluding references. 

Format:  Manuscripts should be written in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and double-spaced throughout, including quotations and reference list, and composed using a recent version of Microsoft Word.

Style:  Manuscripts must adhere to the latest edition of APA Style. Ensure that all sources in the reference list are formatted according to APA Style and that all in-text citations for quoted material from print text include page numbers. In addition, please include digital object identifiers (DOIs) in references list when they are available (review the APA guidelines on DOIs and URLs HERE. In addition, a cover page is not necessary or desired.

Anonymization:  Manuscripts must be anonymized. Names of submitting authors should not appear anywhere in the manuscript. If authors cite their own published work, they must delete their names and other identifying information and place substitute words in brackets, for example [name deleted to maintain integrity of review process] or [Author 1], [Author 2]. This should occur both in the manuscript and the references list. Authors will add self-citation information back into manuscript before submitting the final draft.

Abstract and Keywords:  All manuscripts must include an abstract (no more than 200 words) and a list of keywords.  


All manuscripts—except for Children's/YA Book Reviews and Teaching Tips (see KE Columns instead)—should be submitted electronically as an attachment to the Editor of Kansas English at Katie.Cramer@wichita.edu.  During the academic year, look for a confirmation email from the Editor within 2-3 business days.  If you do not receive an email confirming receipt of your submission, please resubmit.

In a single email, authors should complete the following tasks:

1.       In the subject line, write Kansas English Manuscript Submission. 

2.       In the body of the email, please include all of the following information:

a.       Full names of authors. If there is more than one author, indicate author order (e.g., first author, second author).

b.      Affiliation for all authors (e.g., school, university, organization)

c.       Email addresses for all authors

d.      Brief biography (no more than 150 words) for each author

e.      Type of submission (e.g., practitioner piece, scholarly article, reflective essay); this informs the peer review process. 

f.      Title of submission

g.       Statement that the article is original, has not been published previously in other journals and/or books, and is not a simultaneous submission.

3.       Attach the manuscript as a single attachment, ensuring that all manuscript requirements are met.  Abstracts and key words should be included in the manuscript itself, not as another attachment, please.   In other words, there should only be ONE attachment in your email to the Editor. 


Each manuscript receives an anonymous review by at least two members of the KE Editorial Review Board, unless the content or length makes it inappropriate for the journal. The review board typically makes a final decision regarding publication within 3-4 months after the posted submission deadline, with the journal published online, and freely accessible to anyone, by August.  Submitted manuscripts may be edited for clarity, accuracy, readability, and style.