Kaname Matsue
Kaname Matsue
Professor (Division of Strategic Liaison), Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
WPI Professor, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University
HP is frequently updated due to recent significant change of KM's position.
Latest News
(Mar. 10th, 2025) Two papers entitled
"Multi-order asymptotic expansion of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs. I - Method and Justification"
with Profs. Taisei Asai (Waseda Univ.), Hisatoshi Kodani (IMI, Kyushu), Hiroyuki Ochiai (IMI, Kyushu) and Takiko Sasaki (Musashino Univ. / Tohoku Univ. ), and
"Multi-order asymptotic expansion of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs. II - Dynamical Correspondence"
with Profs. Hisatoshi Kodani (IMI, Kyushu), Hiroyuki Ochiai (IMI, Kyushu) and Akitoshi Takayasu (Univ. Tsukuba) were published in Nonlinearity.
(Feb. 11th, 2025) A preprint entitled "Particle-Laden Flows on Non-Flat Inclines in the Settled Regime: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Investigations" by Prof. Kyoko Tomoeda (Setsunan Univ.) and KM was submitted for publication.
(Feb. 5th, 2025) The paper entitled "Blow-up Behavior for ODEs with Normally Hyperbolic Nature in Dynamics at Infinity" is published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.
Previous News
(Feb. 12th, 2025) Two preprints entitled
"Multi-order asymptotic expansion of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs. I - Method and Justification"
with Profs. Taisei Asai (Waseda Univ.), Hisatoshi Kodani (IMI, Kyushu), Hiroyuki Ochiai (IMI, Kyushu) and Takiko Sasaki (Musashino Univ. / Tohoku Univ. ), and
"Multi-order asymptotic expansion of blow-up solutions for autonomous ODEs. II - Dynamical Correspondence"
with Profs. Hisatoshi Kodani (IMI, Kyushu), Hiroyuki Ochiai (IMI, Kyushu) and Akitoshi Takayasu (Univ. Tsukuba) were accepted to be published in Nonlinearity.
(Jan. 9th, 2025) KM gave a talk entitled "Flame Dynamics Based on Bifurcation Theory" in Workshop "Mathematics for Innovation" on Ito Campus 2025 on Jan. 9th, IMI, Kyushu University, Japan.
(Nov. 18th, 2024) KM gave a talk entitled "On Studies of Flame Morphology based on Bifurcation Theory" in The 21st International Conference on Flow Dynamics (OS2) on Nov. 18th, Sendai Kokusai Center, Japan.
(Oct. 2nd, 2024) A preprint entitled "Continuation of Capillary Surfaces with Topological Change via the Van Der Waals-Cahn-Hilliard Theory" by Profs. Takashi Kagaya (Muroran-Tech), Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu Univ.) and KM was submitted for publication.
(Sep. 28th, 2024) KM had an invited talk entitled "Finite-time singularities: dynamics at infinity, computer-assisted proofs and asymptotic expansions" in 2024 Ajou-Kyushu-NIMS Joint Workshop on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, on Sep. 28th, South Korea.
(Sep. 28th, 2024) A Master student supervised by KM, Ugochukwu James Nwebonyi, gave poster and oral presentations in 2024 Ajou-Kyushu-NIMS Joint Workshop on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, on Sep. 28th, South Korea.
(Aug. 25th, 2024) A preprint entitled "Blow-up behavior for ODEs with normally hyperbolic nature in dynamics at infinity" is accepted to be published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems.
Important Notice
Application of supervision (as master or Ph.D. student) for people outside Japan
KM does NOT accept any applications of supervision of people as graduate (Ph.D.) students except the person who passed the following screening service.
Also, if KM directly knows him/her, he will give priority to consider the supervision .
Please click here ( Pre-admission Support Desk ) for screening service in Kyushu University as the 1st step of applications.
Institute of Mathematics for Industry, Kyushu University
International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Kyushu University
(In Japanese) 「有限時間特異性の包括的記述に向けた数学解析・計算機援用解析の展開」 (KAKENHI Grant: JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientists (B))