The legend

The legend

There is a legend associated with the waterfall, according to which the water contains the tears of seven fairies.  One of them -  Łabudka died in the abyss while searching for her beloved Kamieńczyk Bronisz. Rusalka was repeatedly warned by her sisters to stay away from him. Unfortunately,  she entrusted him and gave him all her jewels, He was supposed to sell them.The money from sales was supossed to cover the cost of the treatment of the beloved's sick mother. The man was supposed to return as soon as he managed to sell all the valuables. But day after day passed, and he did not return. The worried fairy went in search for him, but as soon as she came down from Łabski Peak, she saw Bronisz's body. He died - probably - falling into the abyss (przepaść). Łabuda also slipped and fell down, dying right next to her beloved. From then on, her companions began to cry the loss of th heavily because of their loss of beloved sister, and their tears became a waterfall.