Student Activities

Digital Design

Video Projects

Students will have the opportunity to create a wide range of video content such as: commercials, public service announcements, social media posts, music videos.

Promo Video for a Community Art Project on Sustainability: "Where's Your Aloha Project"

Welcome Back to School Video Project by Summer Motell (featured on Hawaii News Now)

Photography Projects

Students will start out learning the basics of great photography: light qualities, composition, subject matter. From there, students will learn how to use advance editing tools and manipulate light for creative imagery.

Album Cover Design

Mental Health Awareness Campaign

Advanced Editing Projects

Individualized Student Projects

Students who take Directed Studies have the opportunity to develop their own ideas for projects of their personal interest. In the past students have done: art portfolios, website design, launched their own photography business,

Community Mural Project: Nicholas Au

Awards and Competitions

Students participate in a variety of contests throughout the year. They include: Pele Awards, Clarence T.C. Ching Inspired in Hawaii, Scholastic Art Awards, Van's Shoe Competition, and many others.

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