Collection Development

ESSER Collection development

In the 2021-2022 school year, I was tasked to put together an order to update our current collection with ESSER funds. Our library lost many books due to the COVID-19 shutdown and building renovation. 

The ESSER book order was worth 90k which allowed us to purchase nearly 5 thousand new and replacement books. During the renovation, we lost about 700 books from the 700s section due to a severe mold infestation in one of the packed boxes. This was something that we had not planned for, but fortunately, our ESSER funding allowed us to refresh this section. 

See image below of how ESSER money was spent and the impact it had on our collection.

This image is taken from the 2021-2022 Annual Report. This slide was created for both advocacy and awareness of the goals of the library's collection development plan. From the Titlewise Analysis, around 53% of the collection represents white cis-gendered characters or author's perspective. Of the 47% of the diverse characters and/or authors, the graph shows where the collection development should focus future purchases on.

This image was taken from the 21-22 Annual Report. This image was created reflecting the specific budget managed for the 21-22 school year. The FBEF grant accounted for 5k to be used specifically for the Board Game Café implemented in the fall of 2021 (see programming page for further details). This was a big collection development year, as the previous year the district took 75% of district budget for SORA eBooks and audiobooks.