Library Programming

Passive Programming

The Board Game Café was funded by Fort Bend Education Foundation. To make this passive programming a success, I created Quick Start Guides for all purchased games so that students and staff could try out new games and see how to get started without much support. The rules and procedures for the board game cafe are listed below. The cafe is meant to be a welcoming space, but not to distract from academics. This was part of an effort to shift the library as purely an academic place but the heart of the school.

Social Emotional Learning Focus

The library focuses on Social Emotional Learning for students. Dulles High School is a Math & Science Academy, which often leads to high stress levels for students in multiple AP classes. To help combat this issue, the library promoted yoga during lunches for students to participate in. This was made possible because of our flipper nesting tables to be able to make a wide open space. We also had mindfulness coloring sheets, buddha boards, puzzles, and friendship bracelets which were very well received.

Welcoming Environment

The library has become a haven for students at the school. This year we created a fundraiser for an alternative pep rally called the "Library Lock in" during the same time as regular pep rallies. This allowed students who could not afford to go to the pep rally or did not feel comfortable with the sensory overload of a pep rally to go to the library and enjoy library related things. We had the board game café open, showing a movie, and had makerspace items out for students to try. This was a success, selling out of tickets and allowing for students to have some social time while not being overwhelmed. 

Pictures reflect popular programming event. 

Online Programming

These are some examples of programming online I did for students during COVID-19 and also after we returned to traditional school.

Mental Health Choice Board
Summer Reading Challenge