Ocean Circulation

Ocean Circulation:

I would star off the class by handing everyone a copy each of these fill in the blank notes. As I lecture on this topic I would have everyone follow along and write down the important words that are missing.

ocean circulation

I would them teach them about ocean circulation with these slides.


I would begin by placing 10 papers around the room, each labeled a different color and thing. For example Atmosphere would be white, surface ocean would be light blue, and so on. At each station there would be a dice that the student would roll which would tell them if they should stay there or move to another location. At the starting location they would pick up a bead that corresponds to the station they're in (for example white bead for atmosphere). If the dice tells them to stay in the same spot they would pick up another bead at that same location. The would do this until they have reached 15 beads. Once they've reached 15 beads they'll all return to their seats and with they're table buddies they would fill out the activity paper together.

Then we would go over it all as a class and I'd tell them this is how it feels to be a going through the ocean circulation and getting flung everywhere, or getting stuck in one place.