About Me

My name is Kaitlyn Flores, but I go by Kait. I was born in West Covina and spent the first 4 months of my life there and then I moved to Fontana, California. I chose Teaching as my career because I have a passion for teaching kids and making them have an easy and happy childhood.

Why I Want to Teach Kids

I Have always been very passionate about kids and helping them throughout their childhood. And I think being an elementary school teacher is the most important part of a child's life. Kids at a young age are very impressionable and are often compared to a sponge because they soak up everything that's around them. At this age kids are most likely to be traumatized and through events, good or bad, make them who they are in the future. As the teacher you can see if the child is going through something at home and try your best to help them. I have taken three classes on early childhood and trauma and what signs to look for and how little things can stay with a child for a lifetime. I think it is also an amazing opportunity to be apart of someone's childhood and teach them math, science, art, and history. During the early years as a teacher making teaching fun can stay with that child for the rest of their life and have them love earning for years and years. I hope to make an amazing impression in all the children's lives i teach, i want to be able to teach them something they take throughout their entire life.

What Excites Me About This Class:

I really love science already and would be excited to teach it to kids. This class is going to help me know how to approach kids when teaching. I think this will help me understand the things i didn't know about the classroom. I am really excited to learn about learning how to plan lessons, and then teaching those lessons. Even though i feel planning those lessons are going to be the most stressful part of the class, i am excited to learn what to do better and apply those to the next time. I am excited for this class because I feel it is going to prep me for actually teaching in the classroom a lot more then me learning about the subjects.