Climate Change

Climate Change FIll in the Blank

Before I begin, I would hand everyone one copy each of these notes to fill in while I start to lecture. I like to use these to make sure that the kids are getting the information down and writing out the very important parts they need. While they do this, it's important to note that I would be pacing myself and make sure everyone wrote down what they needed.

Climate Change

I would start off the class giving a small lecture on Climate Change, giving the basics on what they need to know.


For the activity I would show them how sea levels rise. I would pair them all up in groups and they would all have a little container and a small bottle of water. I would instruct them to pour the water into the container and then with a marker they need to put a horizontal line at the top of the water line. Then I would go around and place a good handful of ice into each of the containers.

While we wait for the ice to melt I would play a short video on climate change, explaining how it happens and giving more basic knowledge to them on it.

After the ice melts, I would have the kids mark once again where the top of the water is this time and then measure with a ruler how much it grew. I would tie it back to climate change by explaining how this happens to our sea levels and how because of the greenhouse gases it warms the earth and melts the glaciers.