Mid-Term Reflection


So Far, in this class I think I have exhibited personal strengths in opening my mind. I think before this class I thought there was a certain way that kids had to be taught in classes, but I now know that there isn't a certain way to teach. Kids learn in all kinds of different ways and as a teacher you need to be open minded to all the different ways and help them out as best as you can. I think I am the most weakest in trying to find the words to use when teaching little kids. I know most of the topics and I feel comfortable enough to teach people my age. But to break it down enough for a kid to understand and be able to explain it very well and throughly is hard for me. I don't want them to feel overwhelmed with the new information but I want them to be able to understand everything I'll be telling them.


When I look back at the goals I set at the beginning of the semester I feel like I am doing pretty good. One of my big goals was to know how to approach kids when teaching and although I still find it difficult and one of my weaknesses right now, I think I am still making really good progress on how to approach them and be able to teach them. I have only missed a couple of days but I am always focused in what is happening and I'm always getting caught up in what I missed.

I think so far I would give myself the letter grade B. I do try my best in the class but I can definitely focus harder on my work and try better to get everything right on the first try.

Something I'm planning on changing for the rest of the semester is spending even more time on this class and be more focused on the work for this class and more focused on learning how to teach and better ways I can get to the kids.


I think I am pretty comfortable teaching and being in front of people, or even kids. I just want to be more comfortable how I am teaching kids to make sure they understand what I'm saying. I really like my E-portfolio, I think it'll help me a lot in the future and it has been helping me a lot right now. Along with this E-portfolio I have also started to build a Physical Portfolio, I have been collecting worksheets that I can use in the future to test out and see if they can work out.