Final Reflection

Class/ Teacher Interaction

For this class, I'm not sure what percentage I was here for but I think I only missed 3/4 days out of the whole semester. Anytime I was in the class I was always focused on what was going on and making sure to pay attention to everything happening. Outside of class I spent a lot of time working on my E-portfolio and my in person portfolio. Because I was confused on a hand full of things I think I came up and asked questions a lot making sure that by the end of the day I would understand what I was learning. I think that if I never participated or interacted with the people around me in the classroom I would've been a lot more shy and blocked off from learning than I was.

Practice Work

There were a good hand full that I got an incomplete on but then I was able to resubmit them and get a compete on them again. Right now, I have only 3 that are incomplete, and I think are waiting to be checked for a resubmit. I would say that all except for about three (the days I missed) were turned in on time. When I did turn it in late I was sure to only turn it in no later than a couple of days so I wouldn't fall behind. I think they all helped me a lot, and since I had to ask questions about some of the topics because I was really confused I was able to get those clarified and now I know how to discuss that topic more confidently.


I think I created my ePortfolio and got it summited within the first week of class. I was always caught up with what I was starting and what was due. For example, I would have everything up until earthquakes started but not fully complete, or almost complete. I think on the second ePortfolio check I had everything completed and submitted right on time. Within the last three weeks I have been finishing everything that needed to get done. I have been going back on the old topics and making them better and fixing them up so they aren't just links to random things. I think my ePortfolio has helped my and will continue to help me a lot in the future. Even though there are some topics right now that aren't a basic lesson plan, I think it's a big step. For almost all of my topics there are little lectures and videos so I can chose how I want the class to be that particular day. There's also worksheets and activities, a lot of them too, and so when I get a better understanding of my school and my kids I'm teaching it would be easier to chose which one would best fit everyone.

Overall Class

During this whole semester I am most proud of doing the practice teaching. I was not thrilled to hear we were teaching in the beginning of the term but I'm really glad I was able to do it. By the time it got to the last practice teaching I was almost sad I wasn't going to have to plan another fun lesson. I think they all helped me for the future when I'm getting ready to plan a lesson for the kids I'll be teaching in the future. If I could change something I would say I wish I had chosen to teach one lesson alone, just to experience how it feels planning and teaching on your own and not with other people. I think this would also let me know how I teach when I am teaching alone. I think I would give myself a final grade of a "B". I think I deserve this grade because I worked really hard at me ePortfolio and with my homework. I also worked hard at getting those resubmitted to learn from my mistakes and to complete it fully. I don't think I deserve an "A" only because I could've been better and tried harder to not miss days or to not miss assignments, but I still ended up getting everything done. I'm not sure if our grades would match up only because I know I have learned a lot from this class and I hope I show it in my ePortfolio ( at least in the later topics) but I don't know if that is what you would see too.

Final Thoughts

Some final thoughts for this class are, I think everyone who is going into teaching should have to take this class and classes like this because it helps you see that we need to break down the topic for kids enough to help them better understand what they're learning. And I think this class was a great way of showing us how and letting us actually try ways of teaching.