Beginning Reflection

Earth Science and Teaching

Some of my strengths as a student and as a teacher are that i am very organized. I keep several calender's and journals to enter deadlines and appointments i need to remember so i wont be late or miss anything i need to finish. I am always on top of my work and finish everything making sure it is throughout and well thought out and not last minute work. Some of my weaknesses as a student and as a teacher is that i wrap myself im my work and in my school. I focus so much on my work and school that I loose interest in other things and get too lost in doing my best in work and school. The topic I feel most confident on teaching in Earth Science is talking about geography. I took a geography class and feel like I know enough to talk and teach people about it. Something I find challenging to teach, or scared of teaching is climate change because there are so many factors that play a role within climate change and although the sum of it is basic, humans are destroying the earth. It goes into much detail that could be challenging to talk about.

Personal Plans

For this Class my smart goal would be by June 10th I would like to be able to know how to approach teaching kids. I want to be more comfortable standing in front of a room of people and give a lesson. I want to know how to plan a lesson and be able to teach it to other people. In order to do this I will practice during the semester and attentively listen to lectures. And with the techniques I learn I will try to incorporate it into any lessons I would be doing. If this class were a graded class my goal would be an 'a' because I think realistically this class has already been teaching me much more than what I thought I knew before. I think with my hard work and dedication will be able to help me do my best and learn the most that i can to help me succeeded in this class. In order for me to assess my growth in this class i think the best way would be for me to see my growth would be to video tape any practice lessons i do and then later go over them and see what i could have done better. then throughout the years I can see how I was when I first doing when teaching.


My thoughts about ungrading for this class are mainly happy. I am really excited to be learning this subject under the ungrading technique. Learning about it was really interesting and made a lot of sense. Grades stress people out way more than actually learning about something. When taking away the grades part I feel like I would be more focused on the learning aspect of the class and better grasp the concepts. I think this is really helpful for this subject too because I should be focused on practicing my teaching techniques and how to do it rather than getting a passing grade in the class. I'm really excited to see how this method plays out and would be excited to try it out myself in my future classrooms.