Digital Mobile Radio

This section of the website provides all the tidbits related to DMR. The majority of this information is specific to the area of NE North Carolina, specifically The Albemarle Amateur Radio Service (TAARS) operating area. With the dedication of TAARS members a series of code plugs for radios are developed and maintained for the local area. Additionally, we have assembled a collection of information including web pages, presentations and nuggets of information that may benefit not only TAARS members, but others in the pursuit of the DMR aspect of our hobby.

Join us on Telegram for chat (TAARS On The Air)

TAARS Members DMR Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a good link for DMR info on the Internet?

DMR Radios supported by TAARS members


MD380 (in progress)

This page is dedicated to two of my amateur radio mentors and closest friends, Al (K4VHV) and Herman (NO4Y). Many others in our local club have provided a lifetime of valuable information about the hobby, which I plan to share along my journey. However, these two have always supported my endeavors in the field of amateur radio. Offering words of encouragement when things were not quite working as they should and experiences from their own lifetime in the hobby. They have both been there when I needed a reality check on my crazy ideas and helped me understand the true meaning of amateur radio. We all develop our own definition of the hobby and these two individuals have helped shape my views of the the amateur radio service and plot my course for many years to come. Thank you!