2020 BoI-FRB Conference on Nontraditional data

2020 BoI-FRB Conference on Nontraditional data & statistical learning with applications to macroeconomics Call for Papers

Link to the Call for papers on the Banca d'Italia's Website

The Bank of Italy and the Federal Reserve Board will organize a two-day virtual conference on November 11-12, 2020, featuring new research on nontraditional data, machine learning, and natural language processing in macroeconomics. The event will highlight the importance of these new techniques and data sources for macroeconomic analysis, with a particular focus on topics relevant to policymaking.

In order to allow participation in different time zone the conference will be limited to 4 hours and a half per day (the exact time schedule will be given in the final program).

Please direct all questions and correspondence to the organizers. 

Paper submissions should be done through Conference Maker (link: https://editorialexpress.com/conference/BIFRBConf).

We invite to submit empirical and methodological work leveraging new granular data sources or exploring recent analytical developments to analyze the macroeconomy.

Possible Paper Topics:

The conference will accept academic papers from a wide range of topics, methods, disciplines, and perspectives. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Paper Submissions and Conference Invitations:

We invite authors to submit extended abstracts or completed papers through Conference Maker at the link https://editorialexpress.com/conference/BIFRBConf by August 30, 2020. A strong preference will be shown toward completed papers. Extended abstracts should be 2-4 pages in length and include motivation for the research question, methodology, data sources if an empirical study, and a description of expected research findings and policy implications. Submissions should be in PDF format and indicate who the presenting author will be. The organizing committee will review and select submissions for presentation. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the beginning of October 2020.


Organizing Committee:


Link to the Call for papers

Link to Conference Maker website for paper submission