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10:00--10:20 加藤慎也(名古屋大) "On infinite tensor products and its application"

10:25--10:45 VCB14

10:45--11:05 粟飯原佳希 (名古屋大) "Type--cotype and its applications to Operator algebras"

11:10--11:30 VCB15

11:30--13:40 昼休み

13:40--14:00 佐藤僚亮(名古屋大)"Markov semigroups on unitary duals from viewpoint of operator algebras"

14:05--14:25 VCB16

14:25--15:05 連続講演:武石拓也(京都工芸繊維大) "代数体と作用素環 (4)"

15:20--16:00 Tea Time 4

16:00--16:20 北村侃(東京大)"Bost--Connes type systems for function fields"

16:25--16:45 VCB17

16:45--17:05 紅村冬大(慶應義塾大)"A correspondence between inverse subsemigroups, open wide subgroupoids and Cartan intermediate C*-subalgebras"

17:10--17:30 VCB18