5. International finances

Foreign Direct Investment 

Investment is growing more than trade.

Cumulative annual average rates in real and dollar terms 

Source: UNCTAD, Naciones Unidas

FDI- decission capacity on firms (10% of capital)


-        Neoclassical (factor endowments, relative prices)  Trade would be enought, then why ¿flows between developed countries?

-        OLI - Ownership, Location e Internalization - Eclectic theory

Dunning "Multinational enterprises and the global economy" & "Globalization, Trade and Foreign Direct Investments"

-        New theory of internnational trade - Firm heterogenity -  Melitz


-        Economic growth

-        Job creation

-        Trade relations

-        Innovation

Depends on politics and devlopment.

Effects of FDI


In general, depends on firms strategy and country conditions and economic policies. It is an oportunity.

Needed a global policy. eg. UE 15% tax rate for multinational (based in 2021 OECD agreement on Global Minimun Tax)

Distribution FDI

Entradas IED Milliones US$

Stock IED Milliones US$

Increasing weight of FDI in services

Mainly among developed countries

TNI, the Transnationality Index, is calculated as the average of the following three ratios: 


Finantial markets


Financial markets are different from other markets:

o Allows funds to go where they are most needed (profitable, productive)

o Allocation over time.

o Speed, volatility. Increase the risk of contagion


Defining characteristics of financial markets. 

· Efficient (liquid – no one affects the price)

· Deep (many buy and sell orders) Market depth is an indicator that measures the number of sellers and buyers for the same security.

· Breadth: a financial market is very broad the greater the number of assets that are traded in it and the greater the number of investors who come to it.

· Volume traded


Developed vs. emerging markets (more fragile institutions and markets: developing country markets are shallower, more liquid, and smaller)


Financial globalization (banks, investment funds...) benefits developed countries the most.


Difference between developed and developing financial markets: Depth (number of orders) and liquidity (brokers do not affect the price) and size (volume) are higher in developed countries

Less competition -> greater volatility


Agentes - Mercados  - Productos


Agentes: Intermediarios, prestamistas y prestatarios.

Los intermediarios pueden ser:

·         Bancarios (bancos, cajas de ahorros, cooperativas de crédito)

·         No bancarios (fondos de pensiones, compañías de seguros, instituciones inversión colectiva)



·         En función del momento de negociación de los activos

o   Primarios o de emisión

o   Secundarios o de negociación

·         Tipo de los activos

o   Monetarios

§  Interbancario

§  Deuda pública a corto plazo

o   Capital

§  Renta fija

§  Renta variable


Productos: Activos para los tenedores y pasivos para los emisores. 

Las características son: liquidez, rentabilidad y riesgo.


Agents - Markets - Products


Agents: Intermediaries, lenders and borrowers.

The intermediaries can be:



o  Primary or emission

o  Secondary or negotiation

o  Monetary

§  Interbank

§  Short-term public debt

o  Capital

§    Fixed rent

§   Variable income


Products: Assets for holders and liabilities for issuers.

The characteristics are: liquidity, profitability and risk.


1970 first stage of financial globalization. Deregulated. Financial companies Banks seeking better regulation. International banking

- Liberalization

-          Growth

- Search for profitability (low profits in developed markets)


Oil crisis of 1973 and 1979. Oil producers finance the surplus of developed countries.

1990 global banking

Technological development has contributed to financial globalization: faster and more secure transactions (registration)

Institutional investors (pension funds, sovereign funds, insurance funds,…)



- Microeconomic factors. Lower administrative barriers BIS -Bank for International Settlements. BIS: Basel II (1997) and III (capital requirements)


- Macro capital flows - Lender of last resort of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) - Special drawing rights


· ECB (European Central Bank)

· Eurosystem - Eurozone monetary authority. ECB+BC countries in the Euro

· ESCB - ECB and the ECBs of the EU members


Banking union:

· Single regulatory code (same legislation)

· Unique supervisory mechanism

· Single resolution mechanism

Fiscal union missing: European deposit insurance, European treasury/debt


-          BdE (Banco de España)

-          CNMV

-          Dirección general de seguros


Rating agencies

Problems with rating agencies:


Finantial crisis


-          Externalidades

-          Velocidad de transmisión

-          Incompleto - información asimétrica


Tipos de crisis

-          Deuda (privada - soberana)

-          Bancarias

-          Tipo de cambio. Cambio de divisas

Riesgo de liquidez y solvencia


1982 México

1994 México

1997 Asia

1998 Rusia


2008 crisis

 (financiera (hipotecaria y bancaria) + deuda + comercio)

Fase 1a. Hipoteca (alto riesgo - subprime) Freddie Mac - Fannie Mae - Seguros AIG - Titulización. Deuda privada


Banca en la sombra: innovaciones financieras

Medidas anticíclicas tradicionales

Fase 1b.- Crisis bancaria

Quiebra de Lehman Brother () Riesgo moral.

Crisis sistémica

Colapso del mercado interbancario

AIG (American International Group) 180.000 millones $

Merry Lynch


Fase 2.- Crisis de la deuda soberana


BCE (prestamista de último recurso)


Fase 3.- Comercio


Mecanismo de transmisión:

-          Financiero (principalmente en países desarrollados)

-          Comercio (principalmente países en desarrollo)

Nuevo consenso


-          No siempre es bueno más desregulación

-          Los mercados financieros no son perfectos (falta de precios de mercado durante la crisis y evaluación de riesgos incorrecta)

-          Papel de los bancos centrales

-          Relación entre sector público y privado

-          Mecanismo multilateral - coordinación internacional



Riesgo sistémico

Regulación integral y flexible


Informe del BdE https://www.bde.es/f/webbde/Secciones/Publicaciones/OtrasPublicaciones/Fich/InformeCrisis_Completo_web_en.pdf

The world after 2008 - Lasting consequences of the international financial crisis

Own ellaboration using AMECO

En elaboración - Work in progress


Tipos de cambio


TC directo - Tipo de cambio directo (o europeo), cuantas unidades de divisa nacional (base €) necesitamos para comprar una de una divisa extranjera


1.1€ = 1$  => $/€ = 1,1/1


TC inverso – cuantas unidades divisas extranjeras nos dan por una nacional

1€ = 0,9$  => €/$ = 0,99/1









Finantial crisis