4- International Trade


Trade explained by different valuation of G&S derived of: taste, technology or production factors, firm characteristics...

Static benefits of trade


Dynamic benefits of trade– Higher growth rate and welfare

Consequences of trade

Source: OECD

Note:Trade is the sum of exports and imports of goods and services measured as a share of GDP. 

Relative prices different in the RW than in the country


Understand David Ricardo's principle of comparative advantage Britannica 

Comparative advantage Marginal Revolution University / Comparative advantage2 MRU

Investopedia Video: Explaining Comparative Advantage

Comparative Advantage Kahn Ac. / Ventaja comparativa Kahn Ac.

Vertical differentiation

Revealed Comparative Advantage Index

Horizontal differentiation

Imperfect competition

Economies of scale

Monopolistic competition

Product differentiation


Coverage rate (CR

Coefficient of Trade Openess

Trade Account Balance (TAB)

Current Acount Balance (CAB)

Comparative advantage index

Relative trade balance (RTB)

Index of the contribution to the balance

Grubel y Lloyd (GL) Index of intraindustry trade 

New theory of international trade

Modelo de Melitz

Exporters are more productive.

Trade openess - economic integration

GATT general agreement on tariffs and trade (1947)

OMC(164 countries)


A most-favored-nation (MFN) clause requires a country to provide any concessions, privileges, or immunities granted to one nation in a trade agreement to all other World Trade Organization member countries. Equal treatment



-        Integration agreements

-        Developing countries (tariff reductions to all developing countries)

Trade creation and trade diversion.

Economic integration 

Number of trade agreements increase after 90´s

Source: DESTA

Important increase in bilateral trade agreements.

Source: DESTA

Trade aggreements



Non tariff barriers (Tecnical Snitary, etc.)

Trade barriers

Beneficiaries- small groups


-        Nascent industry ( infant industries)

-        Strategic sectors

Decreasing tariff and increasing NTB


Great varieties of Non-Tariff Measures NTM 

Source WTO

Distribution of trade

Source: https://resourcetrade.earth/

Geographic distribution

 Trade concentration in developed countries (2/3 of trade inside the region)

Increasing presence of developing (mainly Asia)

Increase in the trade between the south


Manufacturing but increasing role of services especially in developed countries. High intra industry trade. Primary good problems (Price variability-uncertainty, deterioration of terms of trade, technological improvement

Developing Agriculture and lower level of intra industry trade

Agricultural and extractive exports lower growth than manufacturing exports. Services higher growth  (e.g. digital provided services) (growth rates depends on income elasticity)

Services content in manufacturing exports is increasing

Problems of specializing in raw or agricultural materials:

Global Value Chains

Other effects of international trade:




TiVA (OCDE-) Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO) 

Annex: Companies vd Countries

Learn more







World Economic Outlook Database: October 2021

The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database contains selected macroeconomic data series from the statistical appendix of the World Economic Outlook report, which presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups and in many individual countries.The WEO is released in April and September/October each year.



 Data and Tools for Trade and Global Value Chains Analyses



How containers are organized and stacked within a vessel’s structure.