Welcome to the Philippines!
このウェブページでは、2024年1月にフィリピン・ボホール島で行われた「にほんご人フォーラム2023 フィリピン in ボホール」の事業紹介と、そこで作成された生徒たちのアウトプットを紹介しています。ウェブページをご覧になった皆さんが、このようなフィリピンの中高生の活動を知り、ボホール島やエコツーリズムについて理解を深め、フィリピンに興味を持ち、フィリピンを訪れる際の参考にしていただければと思います。
にほんご人フォーラム フィリピン in ボホール
にほんご人フォーラム in フィリピンは公益財団法人かめのり財団と国際交流基金マニラ日本文化センターが共催で行っている日本語学習奨励事業です。フォーラムでは、日ごろの勉強の成果を発揮したり、新たな知見を得たり、日本語を使って何かを達成する人たちである『にほんご人』同士の交流機会を提供しています。また、フォーラムに参加する教員にとっては、日本語教師としてのネットワークを作り、お互いの経験を基に意見や情報を交換しつつ、日本語教師として研鑽を積む場となっています。 日本語学習の経験を共有する場を提供することで、21世紀型スキル(主体的に学び成長する力、協調性、思考力、プレゼンテーション能力)をさらに高めることを目的としています。JSFPとは、Japanese Speakers' Forum Philippinesの略で、JSFの主旨を実現するための日本語学習者と日本語教師の交流の場です。
The Japanese Spekers' Forum is an initiative of the Japan Foundation and the Kamenori Foundation aiming to create a model of Japanese language education, to develop a network of Japanese Speakers in secondary education and to promote mutual understanding among youths in Asia. The JS Forum provides both learners and teachers a platform to interact and share experiences with each other in studying Japanese-language and to further enhance 21st century skills- ability to learn and grow independently; collaborative skills; ability to think independently; and presentation skills. JSFP stands for Japanese Speakers' Forum Philippines that serves as a venue of Nihongojins students and teachers to fulfill the JSF's main goal.
JSFPのタイトルはボホール島のあるビサヤ地方の方言で「ようこそ」を意味する「Tana」を用い、「Tana !discover, promote, sustain フィリピンのこころをまもろう」と決まりました。「フィリピンのこころ」には、フィリピンにあるれる自然や文化、そしてそれを守ろうとする人々の思いなど多くの意味が込められています。
The theme for Japanese Speakers' Forum Philippines 2023 was set based on the premise of resuming face-to-face forums as the infection situation of the Covid-19 has calmed down, and the theme was also linked to ecology by 2020. The Japan Foundation Manila has set "eco-tourism" as the main theme of the forum, with the aim of creating a sustainable society.
The Japanese Ministry of the Environment defines ecotourism as "a form of tourism that targets the natural environment, history, and culture, and that involves experiencing and learning about them, as well as taking responsibility for preserving the natural environment, history, and culture of the target area. By informing tourists about local resources, local residents will be able to recognize the value of their own resources, which will not only enhance the originality of local tourism and revitalize it, but also revitalize the local community itself through a series of local efforts. The society itself will be revitalized by this series of local initiatives," he explained.
Bohol Island in the Philippines is world famous for eco-tourism, and the "Eco-tourism Bohol" project was implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under the New Bohol Airport Construction and Sustainable Environmental Conservation Project, and several eco-tours were actually created, and the project continues to be implemented locally .
It is not easy for high school students to look at their own country's resources and think about how to utilize them in a sustainable manner and how to appeal to overseas audiences, but it is very meaningful for them to have discussions in an international forum such as this one. By listening to lectures on eco-tourism and studying how conservation of the natural environment, tourism, and local industry coexist on the island of Bohol, which is famous for eco-tourism, students will think creatively about a sustainable society, collaborate in groups, and express their ideas in Japanese skits, thereby developing 21st century (especially creativity and innovation, communication, and collaboration).