
Teaching Experience

University of Warwick

2023/24 Data Driven Decision Making (Postgraduate)

2023/24 Business Statistics (Postgraduate)

2023/24 Business Consulting (Foundation Year)

2022/23 Behavioral Economics (2nd year Undergraduate). 

2022/23 Foundations of Data Analysis for Management (1st year Undergradaute). 

2022/23 Business Statistics (Postgraduate)

2022/23 Big Data Analytics (Postgraduate)

University of Essex

2021/22 Experimental Methods in Economics (3rd year Undergradaute)

2021/22 Experimental Economics (Postgraduate)

2019/20 Introduction to Economics (1st year Undergraduate)

2019/20 Introduction to Quantitative Economics (1st year Undergraduate)

Teaching Awards:

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Teaching 2022/23

Nominated for the 2022 Excellence in Education Award

Shortlisted for the 2022 PGR Supervisor of the Year

Pearson National Teaching Award (for outreach event with V16)

Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 

Other teaching activities:

Outreach Event, Thomas Lord Audley School (year 10’s)

Taster Week, University of Essex

Applicant Days, University of Essex

Outreach Event, HELP University, Malaysia

Outreach Event, V16 Schools