Josep Martí

Researcher at the department of Archaeology and Anthropology

 Institució Milà i Fontanals - CSIC 

C/ Egipcíaques, 15   08001-Barcelona

The most important subjects of research: New social meanings of intangible cultural heritage, collective identities and culture (ethnicity, multiculturalism), anthropology of beliefs, anthropology of the body, and expressive culture, especially music.  Being well aware of the need to enhance reflection on what it means to practice anthropology today, I have an interest in exploring the epistemological potential of new theoretical posthumanist approaches by applying their conceptual schemes to anthropology. 

Some of the most recent publications:

2024  “Ethnomusicology, Folklore, and Social Relevance”. Translated by Peter Collins. Ethnomusicology Translations no. 15, Bloomington, Society for Ethnomusicology, DOI: 10.14434/emt.No15.37936  

2023 “Catalonia vs Spain. How sonorous is nationalism?”, in Music and the Making of Portugal and Spain since the Nineteenth Century, eds. Matthew Machin-Autenrieth, Salwa El-Shawan Castelo-Branco, and Samuel Llano, Urbana, Chicago and Springfield University of Illinois Press, pp.205-223 

2023 “Nuevas herramientas conceptuales para un mundo que cambia: El posthumanismo”, Revista Sarance 50, pp. 80-114. Translated by Diego Rodríguez Estrada from: 2022 “Noves eines conceptuals per a un món que canvia: el posthumanisme”, in A. Vayreda & F. Núñez (eds.), Humanisme i posthumanisme. Eines per a unes ciències humanes en moviment, Barcelona: UOC, pp. 67-110 

2022 “Cuerpos, racismo y ensamblajes”, Revista Sarance 49, pp. 46-68 

2022 (Editor with B. Enguix), Pensar la antropología en clave posthumanista, Madrid: CSIC

2021  Posthumanist itineraries. Digital Exhibition. CSIC/BAU

2021  El Acuario Humano. Una iniciación a la antropología, Balenya: Amazon KDP Publishing, ISBN 9798700541312

2020 “Paisatges emocionals i identitats polaritzades a la Catalunya del procés”, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya 45, pp. 105-121

2020 “カタルーニャの人間の塔における身体、感情、つながり” (Bodies, Emotion and Sociability in Catalan     Human Towers), Waseda. Journal of Human Sciences 33/1 sup. 2020, pp. 47-59, Translated by Hiroko Takenaka.

2019 “Beyond representation: Relationality and affect in musical practices”, Journal of Posthuman Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 159-180