List of publications
(see also my Researchgate and Google profile if you are interested in my publications)
Mira-Jover, A., Rodríguez-Caro, R.c., Noguera, J.C., Fritz, U., Kehlmaier, C., García de la Fuente, M.I., Giménez, A., Graciá, E. Shorter telomeres are associated with shell anomalies in a long-lived tortoise. Journal of Zoology [Accepted]
Noguera, J.C. Male reproductive strategies are influenced by the maternal sociosexual environment. Animal Behaviour (2023) 203:115-122.
Ruiz-Raya, F., Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Covariation between glucocorticoid levels and receptor expression modulates embryo development and postnatal phenotypes in gulls. Hormones & Behaviour (2023) 149:105316.
Noguera, J.C.., da Silva, A., Velando, A. Egg corticosterone can stimulate telomerase activity and promote longer telomeres during embryo development. Molecular Ecology (2022) 31. 6252-6260.
Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Maternal testosterone affects offspring telomerase activity in a long-lived seabird. Ecology & Evolution (2022) 12:e9281
Ruiz-Raya, F., Noguera, J. C.., Velando, A. Light received by embryos promotes postnatal junior phenotypes in a seabird. Behavioural Ecology (2022) 33:1047-1057.
Noguera, J.C. Sperm oxidative status varies with the level of sperm competition and affects male reproductive success. Animal Behaviour (2022) 189: 83-89.
Velando*, A., Noguera*, J.C., Aira, M., Dominguez, J. Gut microbiome and telomere length in gull hatchlings. Biology Letters (2021) 17:20210398.
Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Telomerase activity can mediate the effects of growth on telomeres during post-natal development in a wild bird. Journal of Experimental Biology (2021) 224:jeb242465
Noguera, J.C. Heterogenous effects of father and mother age on offspring development. Behavioral Ecology (2021) 32: 349-358 .
Alvarez-Quintero, N., Velando, A., Noguera, J.C., Kim, S-Y. Environment-induced changes in reproductive strategies and their transgenerational effects in the three-spined stickleback . Ecology & Evolution (2021) 1:771-783.
Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Gull chicks grow faster but lose telomeres when prenatal cues mismatch the real presence of sibling competitors. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (2020) 287, 20200242.
Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Reduced telomere length in embryos exposed to predator cues. Journal of Experimental Biology (2019) 222: 24
Noguera, J.C., Velando, A. Bird embryos perceive vibratory cues of predation risk from clutch mates. Nature Ecology and Evolution (2019) 3, 1225–1232 .
Velando, A., Noguera, J.C., da Silva, A., Kim, S-Y. Redox-regulation and life-history trade-offs: scavenging mitochondrial ROS improves growth in a wild bird. Scientific Reports (2019) 9:2203.
Kim, S-Y., Noguera, J.C., Velando, V. Carry-over effects of early thermal conditions on somatic and germline oxidative damages are mediated by compensatory growth in sticlebaks. Journal of Animal Ecology. (2019) 88:473-483.
Noguera, J.C. Crickets increase sexual signalling and sperm protection but live shorter in the presence of rivals. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. (2019) 32:49-57.
Noguera, J.C., Aira, M., Perez-Losada, M., Dominguez, J., Velando., A. Glucocorticoids modulate gastrointestinal microbiome in wild birds. Royal Society Open Science (2018) 5: 171743.
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Monaghan, P. Experimental demonstration that offspring fathered by old males have shorter telomeres and reduced lifespans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. (2018) 285:20180268
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Monaghan, P. Postnatal nutrition influences male attractiveness and promotes plasticity in male mating preferences. The Science of Nature (2017) 104:102.
Noguera, J.C., Kim, S-Y., Velando, A. Familly-trasmited stress in a wild bird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA (2017) 114:6794–6799 .
Noguera J.C. Interacting effects of early dietary conditions and reproductive effort on the oxidative costs of reproduction. PeerJ (2017) 5, e3094.
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Reichert, S., Monaghan P. Embryonic and postnatal telomere length decrease with ovulation order within clutches. Scientific Reports (2016). 6
Speakman, J.R., Blount, J.D., Bronikowski, A.M, Buffenstein, R., et al. Oxidative stress and life histories: unresolved issues and current needs. Ecology and Evolution. (2015) 5 (24), 5745-5757
Fletcher, K.L., Whitley, B.N., Treidel, Thompson, D., Williams, S., Noguera, J.N., Stevenson, J.N., Haussmann, M. Voluntary locomotor activity mitigates oxidative damage associated with isolation stress in the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster). Biology letters (2015) 11 (7), 20150178
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Monaghan P. Interactive effects of early and later nutritional conditions on the adult antioxidant defence system in zebra finches. Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218 (14), 2211-2217
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Bonner, W., Monaghan, P. Sex-dependent effects of nutrition on telomere dynamics in Zebra finches (Taenioyigia guttata). Biology Letters. 11 (2015), 20140938
Noguera, J.C., Metcalfe, N.B., Surai, P., Monaghan, P. Are you what you eat? Micronutritional deficiencies during development influence adult personality-related traits. Animal Behaviour 100(2015): 129-140.
Herborn, K.A., Heidinger, B.J., Boner, W., Noguera, J.C., Adam, A., Daunt, F., Monaghan, P. Stress exposure in early post-natal life reduces telomere length: an experimental demonstration in a long-lived seabird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(2014):20133151
Heidinger, B.J., Herborn, K.A., Boner, W., Noguera, J.C., Adam, A., Daunt, F., Monaghan, P. Long-term costs of early stress exposure: are telomeres an important link? Integrative and Comparative Biology 54 (2014): E87-E87
Noguera, J.C., Kim, S-Y., Velando, A. Maternal testosterone influences a begging component that makes fathers work harder in chick provisioning. Hormones & Behaviour (2013) 64, 19-25
Velando, A., Kim, S.Y. & Noguera, J.C. Begging response of gull chicks to the red-spot of parental bill. Animal Behaviour (2013), 85, 1359-1366.
Kim, S.Y., Noguera, J.C., Tato, A. & Velando, A. Vitamins, stress and growth: the availability of antioxidants in early life influences the expression of cryptic genetic variation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26 (2013), 1341-1352
Noguera, J.C., Dean, R., Isaksson, C., Velando, A. & Pizzari, T. Age-specific oxidative status and the expression of pre- and post-copulatory sexually-selected traits in male red jungle fowl Gallus gallus. Ecology & Evolution 2 (2012): 2155-2167.
Noguera, J.C., Kim, S.Y. & Velando, A. Pre-fledgling oxidative damage predicts recruitment in a long-lived bird. Biology Letters 8 (2012): 61-63
Kim, S.Y., Noguera, J.C., Morales, J., Velando, A. The evolution of multi-component begging display in gull chicks: sibling competition and genetic variability. Animal Behaviour 82 (2011): 113-118.
Noguera, J.C., Lores, M., Alonso-Álvarez, C. & Velando, A. Thrifty development: early-life diet restriction reduces oxidative damage during later growth. Functional Ecology. 25 (2011): 1114-1153.
Noguera, J.C., Alonso-Álvarez,C., Kim, S.Y., Morales, J. & Velando, A. Yolk-testosterone reduces levels of oxidative damages during postnatal development. Biology Letters. 7 (2011):93-95.
Kim, S.Y., Noguera, J.C., Morales, J. & Velando, A. Quantitative genetic evidence for trade-off between growth and resistance to oxidative stress in a wild bird. Evolutionary Ecology 25 (2011):461-472
Velando*, A., Noguera*, J.C. Drummond, G. & Torres, R. Senescent males carry premutagenic lesions in sperm. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (2011):693-697.
Noguera, J.C., Morales, J., Pérez, C. & Velando, A. On the oxidative cost of begging: Antioxidants enhance vocalizations in gull chicks. Behavioral Ecology 21 (2010):479-484.
Kim, S.Y., Noguera, J.C., Morales, J. & Velando, A. Heritability of resistance to oxidative stress in early life. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23 (2010): 769-775.
Noguera, J., Pérez, I. & Mínguez, E. Impact of terretrial wind farms on diurnal raptors: developing a spatial vulnerability index and potential vulnerability maps. Ardeola 57 (2010):47-53.
Pérez, I., Noguera, J. & Mínguez, E. Is there enough habitat for reintroduced populations? The Lesser Kestrel in East Spain as a case study. Bird Conservation International 21 (2010): 228-239
*These authors contributed equally as first authors