By topic

Control orientation

Book chapters

  1. Park, J., Yamaguchi, S., Sawaumi, T. & Morio, T. (2018). Dialectical thinking in control orientations: A new perspective on control orientations. In Spencer-Rogers, J. & Peng, K. (Eds.), The Psychological and Cultural Foundations of East Asian Cognition (pp. 309-334). Oxford University Press.


  1. Sawaumi, T., Yamaguchi, S., Park, J., & Robinson, A. (2015). Japanese control strategies regulated by urgency and interpersonal harmony: Evidence based on extended conceptual framework. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 2, 252-268.


Culture and personality


Environmental psychology

Multiculturalism and minority issues


Well-being and happiness


  1. Krys, K., Park, J., Kocimska-Zych, A., Kosiarczyk, A., Selim, H., Wojtczuk-Turek, A. Haas, B.W., Uchida, Y., Torres, C., Capaldi, C.A., Bond, M.H., Zelenski, J.M., Lun, V., Maricchiolo, F., Vauclair, C-M., Šolcová, I.P., Diaz, D.R.S., xING, c., vIGNOLES, v., van Tilburg, W.A.P., Teyssier, J., Sun, C-R., Stoyanova, S., Serdarevich, U., Schwarz, B., Sargautyte, R., Røysamb, E., Romashov, V., Rizwan, M., Pavlović, Z., van Osch, Y., Okvitawanli, A., Nadi, A., Nader, M., Mustaffa, N.F., Mosca, O., Mohorić, T., Marroquin, P.E.B., Malyonova, A., Liu, X., Lee, J.H., Kwiatkowska, A., Kronberger, N., Kračmárová, L.K., Kascakova, N., Işık, I., Igou, E.R., Igbowke, D.O., Hanke-Boer, D., Gavreliuc, A., Garðarsdóttir, R.B., Fülöp, M., Gamsakhurdia, V., Esteves, C.S., Domínguez-Espinosa, A., Denoux, P., Charkviani, S., Baltin, A., Arevalo, D., Appoh, L., Albert, I., Aketia, C., & Adamovic, M. (Accepted). Personal life satisfaction as a measure of societal happiness is an individualistic presumption: Evidence from fifty countries. Journal of Happiness Studies.

  2. Jasieska, D., Rogoza, R., Russa, M.B., Park, J., & Zajenkowska, A. (2020). Happiness and hostile attributions in a cross-cultural context – the importance of interdependence. Journal of Happiness Studies.

  3. Joshanloo, M., Vejiko, J., Park, J. (2020). Differential Relationships of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being with Self-Control and Long-Term Orientation. Japanese Psychological Research.

  4. Park, J., Joshanloo, M., & Scheifinger, H. (2019). Predictors of life satisfaction in Australia: A study drawing upon annual data from the Gallup World Poll. Australian Psychologist, 1-14.

  5. Różycka-Tran, J., Piotrowski, J.P., Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Jurek, P., Osin, E.N., Adams, B.G., Ardi, R., Bălțătescu, S., Lal Bhomi, A., Bogomaz, S.A., Cieciuch, J., Clinton, A., de Clunie, G.T., Czarna, A.Z., Esteves, C.S., Gouveia, V., Halik M.H.J., Kachatryan, N., Kamble, S.V., Kawula, A., Klicperova-Baker, M., Kospakov, A., Letovancova, E., Lun, V., Cerrato, S.M., Muehlbacker, S., Nikolic, M., Pankratova, A.A., Park, J., Paspalanova, E., Pék, G., de León, P.P., Šolcová, I.P., Shahbaz, W., Ha, T., Tiliouine, H., Hiel, A.V., Vauclair, C-M., Wills-Herrera, E., Włodarczyk, A., Yahiiaiev, I., & Maltby, J. (2019). Belief in a Zero-Sum Game and Subjective Well-Being Across 35 Countries. Current Psychology.

  6. Krys, K., Capaldi, C.A., Zelenski, J.M., Park, J., Nader, M., Kocimska-Zych, A., Kwiatkowska, A., Michalski, P., & Uchida, Y. (2019). Family well-being is valued more than personal well-being: A four-country study. Current Psychology.

  7. Krys, K., Zelenski, J.M., Capaldi, C.A., Park, J., van Tilburg, W., van Osch, Y., Haas, B.W., Bond, M.H., Dominguez-Espinoza, A., Xing, C., Igbokwe, D.O., Kwiatkowska, A., Luzniak-Piecha, M., Nader, M., Rizwan, M., Zhu, Z., & Uchida, Y. (2019). Putting the “we” in well-being: Using a collectivism-themed measure of well-being attenuates well-being’s association with individualism. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 22, 256-267.

  8. Park, J., Joshanloo, M., & Scheifinger, H. (2019). Predictors of life satisfaction in a large nationally representative Japanese sample. Social Science Research, 82, 45-58.

  9. Joshanloo, M., Sirgy, M.J. & Park, J. (2018). The importance of national levels of eudaimonic well-being to life satisfaction in old age: A global study. Quality of Life Research, 27, 12, 3303-3311.

  10. Joshanloo, M., Sirgy, M.J. & Park, J. (2018). Directionality of the relationship between social well-being and subjective well-being: evidence from a 20-year longitudinal study. Quality of Life Research, 1-9.

  11. Żemojtel-Piotrowska M, Piotrowski JP, Osin EN, Cieciuch J, Adams BG, Ardi R, Bălţătescu S, Bogomaz S, Bhomi AL, Clinton A, de Clunie GT, Czarna AZ, Esteves C, Gouveia V, Halik MHJ, Hosseini A, Khachatryan N, Kamble SV, Kawula A, Lun VM, Ilisko D, Klicperova-Baker M, Liik K, Letovancova E, Cerrato SM, Michalowski J, Malysheva N, Marganski A, Nikolic M, Park J, Paspalanova E, de Leon PP, Pék G, Różycka-Tran J, Samekin A, Shahbaz W, Khanh Ha TT, Tiliouine H, Van Hiel A, Vauclair M, Wills-Herrera E, Włodarczyk A, Yahiiaev I, Maltby J. (2018). The mental health continuum-short form: The structure and application for cross-cultural studies–A 38 nation study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(6), 1034-1052.

  12. Park J, Norasakkunkit V, & Kashima Y. (2017) Cross-cultural comparison of self-construal and well-being between Japan and South Korea: The role of self-focused and other-focused relational selves. Frontiers in Psychology. 8, 1516. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01516

  13. Żemojtel-Piotrowska, M., Piotrowski, J., Cieciuch, J., Adams, B.G., Ardi, R., Baltatescu, S., Bhomi, A., Clinton, A., de Clunie, G.T., Esteves, C., Hosseini, A., Ghaheh, H.S., Kachatryan, N., Kamble, S.V., Kawula, A., Liik, K., Letovancova, E., Cerrato, S.M., Mora, C.A., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Nikolic, M., Pedovic, I., Osin, E., Park, J., Paspalanova, E., Pek, G., Różycka-Tran, J., Ha, T.T.K., Tsubakita, T., Vauclair, C-M, Wlodarczyk, A., & Maltby, J. (2016). Measurement invariance of Personal Well-being Index (PWI-8) across 26 countries. Journal of Happiness Studies. doi: 10.1007/s10902-016-9795-0


  1. Park, J. Life satisfaction in Japan: In and outside of the country. 7th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, 20 September, 2019.

  2. Park, J. & Joshanloo, M. Life satisfaction in Japan: Evidence from a largely representative national sample. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Guelph, Canada, July 03, 2018.

  3. Domínguez-Espinosa, A. & Park, J. Self-construals and valuation Of Different Types of Happiness. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Guelph, Canada, July 05, 2018.

  4. Park, J. Japanese people’s acculturation strategies, well-being and nationalism. Japanese Association of Health Psychology, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, September 03, 2017.

  5. Park, J. Perceived cultural change, interpersonal relationships and well-being in South Korea. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, August 02, 2016.

  6. Krys, K., Park, J., Capaldi, C., Haas, B.W., Nadar, Martin, van Tilburg, W., & van Osch, Yvette. The second step towards an ethane-relative way of measuring happiness - the variation of interdependent happiness of families across cultures. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Nagoya, Japan, August 02, 2016.

  7. Park, J. & Kashima, Y. Bi-dimensional relational self and well-being: Comparisons between Japan and South Korea. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France. July 17, 2014.

  8. Park, J. Self and subjective well-being in Japan and South Korea. At the 53rd Conference for the Japanese Society of Social Psychology. Tsukuba, Japan, November 18, 2012.