Intimidated Lyric Video - Papichuleeteej

2D Animation using Blender & Clip Studio Paint 

Aug 23, 2021 - Feb 25, 2022


Process of the Project

Music artist - Papichuloteej, reached out to me after making some fan art he really liked and wanted me to be involved with his upcoming releases. I started working on some drafts of the concept I was imagining.

Black and grey for readability

The artist let me have full control over the project, so i decided to combine concept 2 & 3, making the portrait shifting along with a moving background. I had no idea of the song I was working with but I was hoping it would still work with the concept that I created. I continued the process and started working on the portrait of the artist for the music video. I then created a sample to make sure the concept was effective and doable.

I also gave the artist multiple choices for lyrics and typography that would be best along with doing research on what typography was best and most common for lyric videos to make it as accessible as possible.


After the concept was sent to the artist and accepted, I continued to finalize the portrait and work on what colors I wanted for the background and worked on how I wanted the colors to move in different directions and blend.


I started to move the process over to Blender and realized, it would be more easier to making and rendering a pattern in Blender and using that as a background instead. However, the painting of the colors would be used as a overlay on top of the pattern to give the same effect I was looking for.


Music Artists Trading Cards

2D Animation using Blender & Clip Studio Paint 

April 10, 2020 - August 20, 2020

The trading cards for music artists became an unexpected big project for me in 2020. With Covid 19 impacting everything, I decided to make myself busy during my down time when schools were trying to move the process to online. Before Covid, I used to love going to concerts and would roughly go to three or four times a year. By this time, I was really starting to miss concerts as I had new artists I would love to see preform live. 

This started out with simply drawing portraits of the artists I was a fan of and was actually going to do a collage instead. Somewhere in the process, The Last of Us 2 released on June 19th, and the game had trading card collectables. I was never truly big on trading cards but it got me thinking about what is music artists had their own trading cards and what would they look like? Would they have sound? How could that be possible?  

So, what follows is a collection of videos, gifs and images of what all I put into this project. 

The songs used are by the artists and I was given permission to use them. If I was not given permission to use a clip of the artists song, I simply didn't use the song, rendered it and processed it as a GIF.


Process of the Project

Portrait edited & scaled down

Trading card side one

Trading card side two

I first started out with making all the portraits of the artists first, before having intention of making this project. With all portraits done, I started the drafting and making mockups on how i wanted these cards to look. I never truly worked with typography before and asked some people for honest feedback and advice.


Completed portrait

Portrait edited for cards to give more personality

First Draft - The lyrics on the back of the trading cards

First Draft - placement of the front of the cards

Second Draft - Back of the cards, instead of lyrics, song titles and a background story of the artist based around how much emotion the artist puts into their songs or how devoted the fanbase is. These was then divided up into three following catergories: Attacks, Special, and Finishers. These were a mix of my favorite songs by the musicians and sorted into what I thought was least emotional to extremely emotional songs. There was an overall Emo Level, which determined how emotional the artist could be. As well as sorting the artists into classes, I did have notes on the meaning of them but lost them in-between files.  A very big flaw in this design would be the font being too small for anyone to read. 

Final Draft - Flaw of text about the musician still being too small is present. I still decided to go forward with the design, as I still did not want to take away from the portraits of the musicians.