Section 2. Data Credits

DATA - self

Each level has the following basic structure:

  • 4 Surrounding walls

  • Floor

  • Ceiling

  • Goal zone

In addition to this, levels 4 and 5 have a constantly moving wall. All of these objects were created inside Unity. Because the premise is set in the dark, no specific materials were needed other than to set all of these to pure black.

For level 0 and level 6, which are text-based, lighting is provided and the walls are see through. The text is provided through Unity's text mesh.

The compass shape on the projectile shooter was designed inside Unity, while the image was taken online. More information can be found in the DATA - OTHERS section below.

A pedestal for the projectile shooter was created in Unity. A halo effect is applied so that it is the only visible object in the dark room.

The goal was created in Unity via a plane that would match the level's floor. Depending on the level, it will raise you up to the next one.

Directional lighting was provided to fully provide the dark. Without directional lighting that looked away from the structure of the level, the ceiling would look transparent and you could see above the actual ceiling.

A bullet prefab was created so that upon using the shoot button on the projectile shooter, a bullet would come out and emit sound. This is instantiated and lasts 5 seconds, or destroys itself on collision.

Particle systems were made to look like confetti on the last level.

Data - others

The following items were provided or found online:

  • CAVE2 Manager - Provided by Arthur from UIC, taken directly from Project 1. Nothing was modified involving the manager.

  • CAVE2 Player Controller - Provided by Arthur from UIC, taken directly from Project 1. Scripts were added to the player controller to allow on collision effects. Grab scripts were also modified to work differently than the original file.

  • Sound SF Retro Pack - Found on Unity Asset store, the sound effects were used for the on hit collision of the bullets, the sound emitted from the goal zone, and the sound when you move up to the next level.

  • Minecraft Hurt Sound - Found on YouTube, this sound is what is emitted by the player controller whenever it collides with a wall.

  • "You Fucking Did It" - Jason Mraz - Found on YouTube, the last goal zone will play this song

  • Low Poly Combat Drone - Found on Unity Asset store, the drone was resized and scripts were added to make this object the projectile shooter.

  • Compass Image - Found on YouTube, the compass image was taken from the host. Additionally, logic for the script was inspired by the host. The compass is appended to the projectile shooter.