Jonathan - CS 528

Project 2: Marco Polo V2 - Electric Boogaloo

Project Details

This project is a virtual reality game set to place the player in a world where they are unable to rely on their sense of sight, and forced to use their sense of sound. Due to the nature of how the game is meant to be played, it has been designed for headset use instead of a fully surrounding immersive setup, such as the CAVE2 at UIC. Specifically, the project is fully functional for the HTC VIVE. The above video is a snippet of what to expect during game play.

  • A player will be introduced to an opening level that explains the objective of the game, interact-able objects, and sounds to watch out for. The objective of the game is to walk into the correct space of the room, which emits an indicator sound, while trying not to come into contact with any walls.

  • The only object the player can directly interact with and use is the projectile shooter that is given to them at the beginning of each level. Players will be set in the dark with a projectile shooter that emits sound waves when fired. The sound will indicate how close or far the player is from a wall

  • Upon hitting a wall, the player will reset their position and make a thud sound. This will indicate that they have to restart from the beginning of the level

  • The player will have to go through 5 completely dark and different levels, of which there are increasing difficulty. The 6th level is a congratulatory level

  • Starting from level 4, there will be moving walls in addition to the stationary walls. These will emit a constant sound

  • All sounds are 3-D, so players can tell which direction sound is coming from