Lomba & Kompetisi

"Why were the highly accomplished so dogged in their pursuits? In their own eyes, they were never good enough. They were the opposite of complacent. And yet, in a very real sense, they were satisfied being unsatisfied. "

-GRIT, Angela Duckworth-

Learnings from IVED: Classics at 1st Year? Why Not :)

"Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Disclaimer, I do selected as debater in this competition, and I do disappointed when I was moved to N1 adj. But, thanks to this wonderful experience, I learned to realize my condition and accept my new role as the best decision.

Joining IVED (Indonesia Varsity English Debate) was challenging for me as I was still mulling on this comps when I registered for Internal Competition. After that intercomp, I was very happy when announced as ITB B because I get legitimacy over my ability as debater. However, as my training progresses, I painfully realized that I could not keep up with my teammate, instead only hindering the possible improvement of them. Because of that, although disappointing, I was not shocked when I was moved to N1 role.

What's shocking to me, in the process, is how being N1 adjudicator was not as "dumped" as it seems. Instead, it was very challenging to keep up with varsity-level arguments and map them to decide which team wins the round. Intensive training, especially Training Camp during my Christmas Holiday, did really push me to my limit, even sometimes made me exhausted and wanted to surrender. However, I decided to go through and, at D-Day, being capable to sum up a debate and decide the winner, although lack of ability to justify my decision made me unable to pass "trainee" category. For 5 days, it seemed like I did not get anything from this competition.

But I did. I met great debaters & adjudicators, and seeing them in a big stage is truly meaningful. I improved in every round (at least in my opinion hehe). But, most importantly, I made friends with many people. Living in same lodging for a week is truly memorable, even until now. Maybe it will not be the best Classic I've ever had (achievement-wise), but it is definitely one of the best.

(c) Jonathan Salomo

June, 2020

[DRAFT] SEACAS Hackathon 2021: Defying the Odds!

"Every war is won before it's ever fought."

-Sun Tzu, The Art of War-


Seleksi Mapres STEI 2021(1): I found my way of success

"...The best performance on complex or creative tasks...is produced by people motivated by intrinsic interest rather than contingent rewards. In fact, when employers focus attention on rewards for performance, it is likely to decrease performance."

-Dr. David Lykken, Happiness-


Jonathan, a naive 18 y.o. boy, once said that success should be justifiable based on your peers' achievement. Hence, something pops up inside his mind: an obsession, or to put it mildly, curiosity, of becoming "The Alpha":

"Hey, he's cool. I wanna be like him to death. How does he do that?";

"Wow, the product is astonishing. Who's the man behind it?"

"The team is energetic, properly functioning. What the leaders really do there? What mentality they instill for the members?"

Who is "The Alpha"? Well, they are ones people look up to; the brightest student on your class, the wisest staff in your department, the key person of your organization. They are not limited to certain ages, race, gender, or position. Their value does not only lie in GPA, CV, or any written credentials. Instead, combination of varying intangibles makes these person distinguishable and intrigue their peers to discuss about their accolades, stories, or simply love life. People just willingly invest their headspace to remember them, and their time to gossip revolving them. Amazingly, this occurs without their conscious efforts to be popular or recognized as talking points. They are just being them, and for any reason, people are just growing awed, curious, or even envious of them. They are rockstars.

This ill-defined, abstract persona, is whom I want to be like after graduating from high school. Let's name this person Musk (no referral to any public figure).

So, how to be Musk?

First step: picking flashy university whose merely name can give me irrefutable rights to chin up, or force people to glance their eyes upon us. Not only recognised as educational institute, the university should also be a universe of stars.

And, voila, here comes ITB :). Of course, there are a lot more in choosing ITB than just about pride, but it's a story for another time. In short, with proper mixture of effort and luck, all by grace of God, I am granted the opportunity to learn in ITB, moreover in the mighty STEI.

First step, checked. Now I have entered this universe, the next thing in bucket list is becoming the superstar: the brightest among those stars, with greatest illuminance and minimum angle of aperture.

But for real, how to define superstar? "Hhmm, how about being a handsome, calm guy, with propotional stature of body, relatively tan complexion, 4.0 GPA, being nice and warm to anyone 24/7, having charming smile, masculine voice, instantly alluring girls and dominating boys in any time and place..." (I'll stop it right here for the sake of your wellness).

It is an... interesting list, and SURELY a long one. For God's sake, how to fulfill that profile in only 4-year life of university? Even in 3.5 years, Naruto can only learn Giant Rasengan, Kagebunshin, being taller, wiser,... okay, it IS possible to learn so much in Kishimoto's world with such short time.

With a bit optimism from the incumbent Hokage, I looked back at my bucket list and realize that for Jonathan to be Musk, he has to learn sooo much. Hence, to make it easier, I seeked for a title for wrapping up these parameters.

And I choose Mapres. To earn this title, students are measured through various tangibles and intangibles. They have excellent academic life, multiple awards and achievements, tons of leadership experiences, and obvious goals for themselves and surroundings. In a nutshell, they are in "their own stratosphere", and few would argue that they experience successful university life. It's not that being Mapres is the only way to reach success, instead being Mapres reaffirms your success.

Specific target, checked.

Back to reality, what should I REALLY do?

Let's start with excellent academic score, then! I mean, being a gloomy, introvert smart guy for my entire school-time, how hard can this be, right?

Let's see how first year goes


2 months being ITB student, I got... 40/100 on Physics Midterm Exam, 50/100 on Math, and similar saddening realities in all subjects. Next term, I... got GPA of 3.0 (it is certainly good, but apparently way off 4.0) and in verge of dropping out from scholarship due to flopping academic performance. Until now, I got 2 "C' mark from all courses (and neither due to unsubmitted assignment or unattended exam; it is pure "C"). In a faculty where nearly a quarter of students got above 3.5 GPA, getting 3.0 still becomes relevant challenges.

Adding up to the sorrow I felt about my late Dad, and life just seems too hard, too unfair, too confusing.

Soo... it's not so easy, huh?

Again, this is a story to tell for another time. For now, let's say that, in the dusk of January 2020, I deeply considered about my state of living. Being in 3rd semester, with shaky academic life, emotional struggles, and minimum to no real friends.

In the moment when everyone revealing their promises and targets for the entire year, I was barely brave to whisper to God

"God, I feel sucks. I want to be Einstein, but I know Einstein can't get lower than A in college, even if he tries. I want to look charming and friendly, but even my basketball knows that my charm lies within my secrecy and seriousness. I want to be looked up by everyone, but right now, it seems like I can't get lower, all things just above my head. Everything just seems closer to sky than to my reach."

It's just, right now, I don't know who I am, nor who I aspire to be. So, let me be me, and release me from the obsession of being someone. If being Mapres only distresses me everyday, and makes me too stressful and unreachable for those who I love, than what's the point of wishing for it? Maybe, it's a wish I shouldn't wish."

Let that Musk be himself, too, I think he'll be success someday"

The real wish is not that straightforward, but that is the essence. After that point, I'm brave enough to accept my unspectacular grades, my losses in competitions, and just be excited to try numerous new things: organizations, communities, social projects, and new competitions :).

A year after that moment, I get my Mapres title from Biomedical Engineering Department ITB. The reason? ""You have significant achievements compared to your peers, your essay is also clear and have potentials for future development". It seems silly that more than half of my achievements doesn't come from academic life, and my essay materials come from another essay that I did not even submit because it looks undeserving for any award.

So, yeah, that is all. In the end, being Mapres is not that big anymore. It is REALLY good to achieve what you targeted ever since freshman year, but it is not as good as being assured that I can be me, I should be me, and I can achieve success with being me. I was nobody, yet God makes me somebody.

P.S. I still feel insecured everyday, but hey, it's just part of characters lol

P.P.S That Musk guy (also known as Elon) is really success right now. Glad for him.


(c) Jonathan Salomo

June, 2021

Seleksi Mapres STEI 2021 (2): No Regrets!

"Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves."

- Psalms 126:5-6 -


Ini adalah ceritaku berjuang mengubah paradigma tentang sukses di sekolah ke tingkat mahasiswa. Bahwa nilai '100' di lembar ujian bukan lagi green card untuk tinggal dalam definisi 'orang sukses', bahwa di universitas, orang benar-benar bisa bersinar dengan warna masing-masing. Bahwa, dibanding sekadar menyambung titik-titik dari gambaran sukses orang lain, memilih untuk berani mencoret-coret di kanvas kosong adalah pilihan yang terbaik. Dan bahwa, mengukur kesuksesan suatu kegiatan semata-mata dari 'apa yang membuatku damai sejahtera', bukan dari tingginya jabatan atau besar kontribusinya dalam penilaian Mapres, adalah pilihan yang (mungkin) seharusnya kuambil dari dahulu.


Sebagai pemuda labil yang menjalani masa-masa muda penuh ketidakpastian, memiliki tujuan di tempat baru adalah suatu keniscayaan. Ketika masuk ke ITB, dilema inilah yang kurasakan: "Gimana ya caranya bertahan di sini?", atau yang lebih mendasar, "Apa sih, yang harus kukejar di ITB?"

Alasannya, mungkin, karena mengukur kesuksesan jauh lebih sederhana di tempat lama kita, di sekolah.

Ketika masih sekolah, rapor (bisa) jadi penentu kesuksesan.

"Wah, udah beres kelas 10 ya. Rata-rata rapornya berapa?"

"90, tante, naik dari tahun lalu."

"Wah keren, sekolahnya tetap serius, ya!"

Kalau bukan rapor, bisa juga pakai pencapaian lain, yang penting performa akademik tidak drop:

"Wah, baru pulang. Kemarin habis lomba ke mana lagi?"

"Iya, baru dari Bucharest, olimpiade xxx. Kemarin langsung dari Manila, habis konferensi xxx"

"Wah jauh juga jalan-jalannya, tapi nilainya tetap terjaga. Keren banget!"

Tentu beda dengan:

"Dapet ranking berapa?"

"4, bu... dari bawah"

"...kok bisa gitu?"

Dijamin, balasan tipe lain lebih sulit didapat, seperti "Wah, untung ga degradasi ya!" atau "Sans, coba lagi tahun depan". Yang mendengar pasti menyarankan kita untuk berefleksi atau evaluasi, mengakui secara halus bahwa kehidupan akademik kita belum sukses, atau setidaknya mengeluarkan nada skeptis. Kalaupun ada kompetisi yang kita menangkan atau aktivitas lain yang kita geluti, akan diakui keren secara universal kalau performa akademik tetap terjaga.

Semoga nasib di atas tidak dialami teman-teman di masa sekolah dulu, tapi kalau iya, semoga sudah mengampuni masa lalu kita, ya...


Ketika jadi mahasiswa, prioritas terhadap akademik harus dirombak nyaris 180 derajat. Alasannya? Karena sejak dulu, mencintai dunia akademik mungkin cinta yang kupaksakan supaya mudah dipandang sukses. Kalau kata Dewa 19, "cinta datang karena terbiasa". Mungkin ini yang kurasakan, lama-lama terbiasa untuk memprioritaskan dunia akademik di atas segalanya. Bukan semata-mata untuk orang tua, keluarga, atau pemberi beasiswa, tapi buat my other self (more on this soon...) supaya tidak menyalahkan diri sendiri. Dan sekarang, di masa kuliah, aku punya opsi untuk menemukan cinta sejatiku. Atau, supaya lebih catchy,

"Cintaku terhadap akademik, mungkin, hanyalah coping mechanism atas keputusasaan menemukan cinta dan panggilan sesungguhnya yang aku inginkan dan Tuhan titipkan"

Kembali ke atas, saat sekolah, nilai rapor penting. Kalau bukan untuk harga diri, setidaknya untuk masuk ke universitas impian. Saat kuliah? Yang ada, "Apa gunanya IP? Ga akan kepake saat kerja, yang penting koneksi dan soft skills"; atau, "Keren sih punya IP tinggi, tapi kalau ga bisa berkomunikasi, diem-diem bae, ya sulit bekerja sama dan karirnya susah bertumbuh". Toh, zaman sekarang, dapet IP bagus tidak semustahil zaman dahulu.

Saat kuliah, performa akademik masih penting, tapi rasanya tidak serelevan masa sekolah. Sukses di kampus, rasa-rasanya, diukur dari seberapa siap kita memberi dampak nyata pada sekitar dan beradaptasi terhadap kebutuhan industri, baik hard skills maupun soft skills.

Untuk merealisasikan visi hasil kedua kesimpulan di atas, (keren banget dah, maba bervisi), saatnya aku mulai di tingkat 1, a.k.a Tahap Persiapan Bersama (TPB)...


Kalau kata orang, TPB adalah Tahap Paling Bahagia. Bagaimana tidak? Beban belajarnya relatif ringan, banyak yang mirip dengan SMA. Buat teman-teman dari golongan 'atlet olimpiade', kayaknya malah protes karena ujiannya terlalu mudah. Bagi kaum 'proletar akademik'? "Latihan soal saja yang rajin. Habisin aja buku 'Math**', 'Phiw***', dan 'Chem***'. Kalau tidak punya? 'Beli aja, hitung-hitung membantu danus pencerdas bangsa'. ". TPB, juga, adalah masa-masa eksplorasi identitas, memilih Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) dan organisasi yang sesuai dengan minat. Mau full-fledge jadi scientist, coba-coba jadi jurnalis, atau mengembangkan bisnis sejak zaman SMA, langkah pertamanya ditentukan di sini.

Tidak mau terlalu serius? TPB juga masanya mencari teman nongkrong yang satu hobi. Bagi yang suka olahraga, bisa ikut UKM sepakbola, basket, hingga ice skating. Untuk perantau yang mencari rumah kedua, ada UKM sesuai kebudayaan masing-masing, mulai dari Sunda, Jawa, hingga Minang. Yang butuh pengembangan spiritual, juga ada UKM keagamaan sesuai kepercayaan. Kalau mau seru-seruan? Ada TPB Cup, turnamen olahraga tingkat TPB dalam beragam cabang olahraga. Di sini, rivalitas antar fakultas 'dipelihara', terutama lewat pertarungan yel-yel antar suporter. Tradisi tiap fakultas pun dipelihara; FITB dengan gengsinya sebagai juara bertahan suporter terbaik, FTMD dengan kesolidannya, dan STEI dengan... efisiensi jumlah suporternya (a.k.a sepi).

Tapi, bagiku, TPB adalah 'Tahap Perjuangan Buanget'.

Kimia Dasar masih bagus, dapat 'AB'. Fisika Dasar juga lumayan, setidaknya masih dapat 'B'.

Tapi... matematika? Sekali dapat 'B', sekali dapat 'C'. Ketika ada yang menetapkan '100' sebagai target pribadi (padahal '80' sudah cukup untuk dapat 'A'), nilai 'C' saja perlu perjuangan yang tidak mudah. Begadang sudah, bolak-balik latihan soal sudah, obrak-abrik buku cetak pun sudah. Mencoba sendiri sulit, akhirnya belajar bareng teman. Sepanjang prosesnya, aku coba bertanya sampai muntah, lalu mendengar penjelasan mereka seperti dongeng-dongeng utopia, membuka pikiran dan melegakan hati. Setelah tuntas, coba diaplikasikan ke soal-soal sejenis sampai fasih dan yakin, lalu tidur supaya fresh besoknya. Tapi, entah kenapa, memang mentoknya segitu.

Selain akademik yang menantang, kegiatan kemahasiswaan pun jadi kesulitan tersendiri. Layaknya orang baru, aku menjajaki berbagai kemungkinan jalur karir di kampus. Alhasil, semuanya dicoba, mulai dari PMK (UKM mahasiswa Kristen), TEC (UKM tech-entrepreneur), SEF (UKM debat bahasa Inggris), hingga Ganesha MUN Club (untuk para pegiat MUN). Masih mabok dengan rasa ingin tahu, kegiatan terpusat ITB juga dicoba; mulai dari panitia perizinan wisuda hingga panitia lapangan yang kerjanya latihan fisik-mental tiada henti. Berhubung di zaman sekolah jadi penganut aliran 'sekolah masanya belajar, kuliah masanya senang-senang', semua kegiatan coba dijalani dengan sepenuh hati; tugas unit > tugas kuliah, kaderisasi > kerja kelompok, forum malam > pulang tepat waktu. Pokoknya, harus jadi mahasiswa banget, deh!

Dengan dunia yang tiba-tiba jadi rame banget, mengatur waktu dan prioritas tentu jadi kesulitan tersendiri. Apalagi, aku adalah people-pleaser, ngga enakan sama orang lain. Tapi, ternyata, masalah terbesarnya bukan dari luar, tapi dari dalam...


Pasca lulus SMA, aku terjebak dalam keadaan yang serba sulit.

Satu tahun sebelumnya, ayahku meninggal. Ketika itu, pengalaman ini sangat menyakitkan karena aku tidak punya kesempatan untuk bertemu dan menemani di saat-saat terakhir. Aku kehilangan teman nonton bola, teman nyolong makan Indomie double malam-malam, sampai figur teladanku dalam hidup.

Kalau saja Iwan Fals kenal ayahku, mungkin lagu 'Oemar Bakrie' akan dibuat ulang untuknya. Bekerja puluhan tahun di kota kecil di Sumatera Barat, ia setia dan pekerja keras dalam segala tugasnya. Meja kerjanya paling rapi satu kantor. Kalau ada parsel lebaran diberikan untuk keluarga kami, pasti langsung dikembalikan ke pemberinya. "Kan kita Kristen, tidak merayakan lebaran', selalu begitu katanya. Policy yang sama diberlakukan untuk beragam hadiah-hadiah dari koleganya kepada keluarga kami sepulang perjalanan dinas. Mau yang memberi teman dekat sekalipun, pasti tidak akan diterima. Saat itu, belum ada aturan gratifikasi oleh KPK, tapi ayahku sudah paling anti dengan hal-hal tersebut. Di atas semuanya, disiplinnya bukan main; berangkat paling pagi, pulang pada waktunya. Kalau sedang libur pun, segala pojok rumah dibedah, setiap inci lantai dipel, sampai rasanya jadi rumah baru hehe. He's the co-best thing God ever gives to me (hehe love u mom), and I dearly want to be him. Sayangnya, sebelum aku menempuh jalan pilihanku di tingkat perguruan tinggi, kami tidak bisa bersama lagi.

Detailnya mungkin akan jadi cerita di lain waktu. Sekarang, cukuplah untuk bilang bahwa hidupku tergoncang. Separuh diriku rasanya hilang.


Dengan segala tantangan itu, aku sungguh kebingungan menentukan tujuanku di kampus. Selain krisis identitas ala anak muda, aku harus belajar cepat jadi orang hebat untuk keluargaku. "Mana bisa anak manja, pendiam, dan moody ini jadi pemimpin, jadi orang hebat?"; narasi ini, untuk sekian waktu, selalu menghantui kepalaku.

Untuk keluar dari lingkaran ini, aku memilih beberapa langkah: ikut kepanitiaan kampus, aktif di PMK, hingga mengambil beasiswa kepemimpinan dari Tanoto Foundation. Respons yang, mungkin, sudah cukup positif dalam kondisiku masa itu.

Yet, aku masih butuh north star-ku selama berkuliah di ITB. Jadi goals yang, kalau kata Tom Seaver, "determines what I eat, when I go to bed, what I do when I'm awake. It determines how I spend my life". Sederhananya, jadi mimpi terbesar yang membuatku tidak bisa tenang.

Dengan segala keterbatasan wawasan, akhirnya kuputuskan:

My north star is to be Mapres!

Dan dari sinilah, semua upayaku di kampus diarahkan supaya jadi Mapres.


Kembali ke prolog,

Mungkin Mapres telah jadi kacamata kuda yang membatasiku untuk mencoba hal-hal lain, bergaul lebih luas, atau justru setia pada dunia penelitian yang, by nature, perlu waktu untuk menelurkan pencapaian yang bisa tercatat di CV. Kalaupun tidak, Mapres, mungkin, memberiku stres, insecurity, dan ambisi yang tak perlu. Mungkin, berjam-jam yang kuhabiskan untuk memikirkan tentang Mapres, cuma berakhir dengan sertifikat dan rangkaian ucapan selamat.

Tapi, sungguh, aku tidak menyesal memilih Mapres sebagai tujuanku. Karenanya, aku punya light at the end of tunnel. Karenanya, banyak peluang terbuka buatku selama jadi mahasiswa. Dan, karenanya, aku tidak meratapi hidupku dan bangkit mencari cinta sejatiku, panggilanku untuk tahun - tahun hidupku ke depan.

Jadi... salahkah menjadi Mapres? Terserah kamu, mimpimu, dan panggilan yang Tuhan titipkan padamu.

(c) Jonathan Salomo

June, 2021