Prof. Dr. Jonas Sauer –
Junior Professor (TT)
FSU Jena

Podcast "Literatur-Rundschau"

In the podcast Literatur-Rundschau (Literature Review) I interview mathematicians working in Analysis and give background information on the literature in the field of the expert. Every episode is about a different paper and mathematician. We talk not only about new and exciting mathematics, but also about the -- sometimes funny -- personal stories behind the research. The podcast is originally created as part of an Analysis seminar at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

The full concept of the combined podcast / seminar can be found here.

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Episode 10 - Maximilian Engel

Welcome to the tenth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Maximilian Engel about a random dynamical system that is investigated with computer assistence. Maximilian will tell us how he and his co-author Maxime Breden ended up being office mates in Munich, and how they managed to start their first joint project just when Maxime was leaving Munich again. We will also learn about synchronization and chaos, so it's going to be a wild ride -- buckle up!

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List of protagonists:

Episode 9 - Dalimil Peša

Welcome to the ninth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Dalimil Peša. This episode is coming soon!

Episode 8 - Tim Laux

Welcome to the eigth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Tim Laux about a connection between data clustering, material science and geometric analysis. It took him and his PhD student Jona Lelmi multiple strolls around the city of Bonn to find out how to use an algorithm originally introduced for describing the evolution of curved interfaces between different materials as a classification algorithm for large data. Take a stroll around this landscape yourself! As a special cameo we have the appearance of Tim's band "The Voltanics" in this episode, who were kind enough to provide us with their song "Here We Are".

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List of protagonists:

Episode 7 - Antonio Agresti

Welcome to the seventh episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Antonio Agresti and his work on stochastic reaction-diffusion equations. The aim of the discussed paper is to provide a general toolbox for analyzing a large class of reaction-diffusion equations. We will in particular learn how the obtained flexibility from weighted L^p-theory and so-called critical spaces can be vital when dealing with rough noise, and non-linearities of higher order. Take a tour through these magical function spaces and follow Antonio's journey from being an engineering student to becoming a researcher in mathematics!

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List of protagonists:

Episode 6 - Thomas Eiter

Welcome to the sixth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Thomas Eiter. He will guide us through a problem coming from fluid dynamics, about time-periodic flow of an incompressible viscous fluid past a rotating body. Studying this time-periodic problem can in some sense be seen as a first step in the direction of understanding turbulence, which is an overarching theme in fluid dynamics. We will in particular learn how treating an associated resolvent problem and choosing the underlying function spaces carefully can be helpful in this endeavour.

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List of protagonists:

Episode 5 - Angkana Rüland

Welcome to the fifth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. In this episode I will talk to Angkana Rüland. She will guide us through the process of creating a joint work together with Antonio Tribuzio on the energy scaling behaviour of a singularly perturbed Tartar square. We will in particular learn how differential inclusions can exhibit both very rigid and very flexible behaviour depending on the regime in question.

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List of protagonists:

Episode 4 - Máté Gerencsér

Welcome to the fourth episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. Our interview partner today is Máté Gerencsér. We will get an insight in how he and his collaborators Oleg Butkovsky and Konstantinos Dareiotis found a way to use stochastic sewing techniques in order to prove optimal rates of convergence for approximations of SPDEs. Máté will also tell us some words on how he and Konstantinos brewed beer together at an early stage of their scientific career.

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List of protagonists:

Episode 3 - Emiel Lorist

Welcome to the third episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. Today's guest is Emiel Lorist. We will discuss his joint work with Andrei Lerner and Sheldy Ombrosi on sparse domination and its applications to stochastic partial differential equations. We'll also learn how quickly your e-mail inbox can spill over when you work on a project together with collaborators from different parts of the world.

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List of protagonists:

Episode 2 - Moritz Egert

Welcome to the second episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. Our guest today is Moritz Egert, and we will take a look at his work on p-elliptic divergence form operators and holomorphic semigroups. We'll hear from Moritz how he got interested in writing a paper on p-ellipticity despite this topic not being his core research interest, and we'll also learn how not to celebrate Christmas.

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List of protagonists:

Episode 1 - Patrick Tolksdorf

Welcome to the first episode of the math podcast Literatur-Rundschau. Today we are looking behind the scenes of a work by Raphaël Danchin, Matthias Hieber, Piotr Mucha and Patrick Tolksdorf which is centered around Free Boundary Problems from fluid mechanics. We'll get to know from Patrick Tolksdorf himself how this work came about and how the project evolved from the initial plans for a small paper to an extensive collaboration among the four authors that spanned several years.

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List of protagonists: