Book Kits
Borrowing a Book Kit
Our collection of book kits is available to borrow by district libraries and their patrons.
Most of the kits include 15 copies of the same title, though some kits have fewer copies. Each kit also includes a set of discussion questions. Kits added in 2018 and later include one large print or audiobook copy when possible.
Kits must be reserved on myTurn.
FAQs on using myTurn
How long can a kit be borrowed?
Kits can be borrowed for six-weeks or 42 days, including weekends. myTurn automatically defaults to six-weeks when you make a reservation.How soon can a kit be reserved after its due date?
In order to allow for shipping times and late returns there must be at least a week between when a kit is due and when it can be reserved. It is recommended to have at least a two-week gap to ensure your kit arrives on time.Is the reservation date when the kit will arrive?
No, the reservation date is the day the kit will be sent to you. I recommend you select a reservation/shipping date at least three days before you want to distribute the kit.Are there any new kits?
Yes! We have four new kits: Beartown, The Four Winds, Mr. Dickens and His Carol, and Nine Perfect Strangers.The kit I want isn't listed is it gone?
Please send me an e-mail if you think that a kit should be on myTurn but isn't. All of the kits had to be entered manually into myTurn so it's possible I missed one. Keep in mind that before I arrived there were several kits that were weeded, so the kit you want may no longer be available.
Request a reservation for the date you'd like the book kit SHIPPED, NOT the date you plan to discuss it with your group.
Submit your reservations at least two weeks before their shipping date.
Always have at least two back-up choices ready in case your first choice kit is already reserved.
You may make reservations for up to one year in advance. I recommend making your reservations in advance to have the greatest possible selection of available titles.
If you have a patron who would like to borrow a kit, please submit their reservation requests on myTurn yourself. Don't ask the patron to contact the district consultant directly. The book kits are loaned to your library's ILL account, and your library is responsible for the kit, so I prefer to have the library handle the requests.
Kits are loaned for 6-week-periods. Please be mindful of your due date and return your kits on time. There are often other libraries waiting to borrow kits.
If you or your discussion groups have any suggestions for new kits, please let me know.
Thank you for making use of these kits!