Bread and Circuses

Description: The great empire is crumbling. Players are nobles doing what nobles do best in a crisis - milking the plebeians for as much money as possible before fleeing to their country homes. Make more money by giving plebeians a scarcer resource.

Bread and Circuses is a 3 player game that consists of just 3 cards.

Each round has three phases:

1. Players argue about what side they will play, Bread or Circuses.
2. Players play their card, hiding its face.
3. Players reveal and score.

Players score one point for showing the same resource as exactly one other player.
Players score three points for showing a resource no other player shows.
If all players show the same resource, nobody gets any points and they mark a Riot down on the score pad.

Play continues until there are three Riots. The player with the most points wins.

Availability: The physical copy of Bread and Circuses is out of print, and no reprint is planned. There is a Print and Play version available on the PNP Arcade website.