
Description: Avignon is a quick influence manipulation card game in which the two players are rival candidates for Pope in the 14th century. Players gain influence by petitioning members of the medieval Church, such as Cardinals, Nobles, and Knights, and using the characters' unique powers to pull the character cards over to their side of the table (their congregation), or force an opponent to push cards towards them. The first player to get three characters into their congregation wins.

The Avignon series of games consists of Avignon: A Clash of Popes, the stand-alone expansion Avignon: Pilgrimage, two "Indulgence Pack" mini-expansions that add roles to either stand-alone game, the Heretic promotional card that can be added to either game, and the Schism mini-expansion that combines the two stand-alone games into a more complex play experience.

Availability: Avignon: A Clash of Popes, the Pilgrimage expansion, and both Indulgence mini-expansions are available as physical and Print and Play products on the Button Shy website.

The Heretic promo card and the Mass/Schism expansion are available as Print and Play products on the Button Shy website. It is possible to combine the physical products with the Mass/Schism Print and Play without sleeving.

Avignon: A Clash of Popes is also available in digital form for iPhone and iPad through the Apple Store. Indulgence Pack 1 is available as an in-app purchase.

Product links:
Avignon: A Clash of Popes (physical game and Indulgence Packs)
Avignon: Pilgrimage (physical game and Indulgence Packs)
Avignon (Print and Play - all games and expansions)
Avignon (iOS - iPhone and iPad compatible)

BoardGameGeek links:
Avignon: A Clash of Popes
Avignon: Pilgrimage
Avignon: Indulgence Pack 1
Avignon: Indulgence Pack 2
Avignon: Heretic
Avignon: Schism