IP Product Offerings

IP Product Introduction

VR Education operates two branches - one is dedicated to ENGAGE, a VR learning platform, while the other is dedicated to immersive VR education through gameplay. Engage is the tech disruption IP that propels the company forward, while the educational VR games the company creates push boundaries in that field as well. Here we will take a look at these two branches of VR Education in order to become acquainted with the company's forward-thinking IP, as a means of exploring investment opportunity.

A video showcasing the various IP of Education VR Holdings.

Engage VR

ENGAGE VR is a force of disruption in educational technology because while there are other companies creating VR content, ENGAGE VR is an entire VR platform that is constantly expanding to the point where users are now seamlessly able to become creators as well. As a potential investment, VR Education is proving with this IP that they are not interested in releasing and forgetting content, rather, they see their IP as something to constantly improve upon to make it ever more robust. ENGAGE VR is worth investing in because not only does the company continue to support and improve this IP, but this program is at the forefront of online learning. Though it can be used in the classroom, ENGAGE VR really shines when utilized in online learning applications. With the advent of Covid-19, this technology has never been so salient, as is proven by the major investment in May 2020 by HTC.

“ENGAGE is an education and corporate training platform in virtual reality. It empowers educators and companies to host meetings, presentations, classes and events with people across the world. Using the platform, virtual reality training and experiences can be created in minutes. The tools are very easy to use and require no technical expertise. You can choose to host your virtual reality sessions live, or record and save them for others to experience later. A wide variety of effective and immersive virtual experiences can be created with an extensive library of virtual objects, effects and virtual locations available on the platform.”


Here are some real world applications of ENGAGE VR in both Educational and Corporate environments for you to view in order for you to gauge your interest in the potential profitability of VR Education Holdings.

Example of hosting educational VR lectures

Example of taking students on a VR Museum Tour

Example of how to incorporate company training

Example of participating in real-time real-world conferences

As can be seen, ENGAGE VR is a wide-ranging platform that is being utilized in various fields including K-12 Education, Post-Secondary Education, Medical applications, Corporate training, and more. Of interest, the product itself is a narrowly focused IP, yet the Market Focus is very wide, indicating a higher percentage chance of investment profitability.

Educational VR Games and Experiences

The following is the catalog of VR games and experiences that the company has developed and published aside from their flagship product, ENGAGE VR.

By perusing these products you can see the deeply immersive experiences that VR Education constantly searches for. You will notice that the company learns new ways to deliver immersive experiences and incorporates and further develops these techniques in subsequent releases. This is the mark of a company worth investing in since they reinvest their IP and expand the entire field of Educational Technology in doing so.

1943: Berlin Blitz

Apollo 11 HD

Raid on the Ruhr

Shuttle Commander

Titanic VR

RCSI Medical
