Analytical Breakdown

Market Focus and Buyers

VR Education has created for itself a covetous position within Educational Technology ventures where it has a foothold in every educational market: K-12, Higher education, and Training needs across the business spectrum, thanks to both their ENGAGE VR platform and their VR Gaming and Experiences arm.

This places VR Education at an advantageous position as it is able to leverage its widespread IP for partnerships and major investments from disparate economic and social sources, making it a relatively safe venture with lots of room for growth.

Type of Offerings


VR Education produces award winning content, as outlined here. The content created mainly focuses on educational historical immersive experiences, something the company has become increasingly adapt at. That said, they have now broken into the medical field, with the product ER VR, so the potential investor should keep an eye on an ever-expanding product line.


VR Education is a leading infrastructure provider with its award-winning flagship IP, ENGAGE VR, which you can read about here. It is in this space that HTC was able to host their annual conference, where over 1000 participants joined in live VR, and over 1 million viewers streamed the event live on the internet. With this being a success, investors may see an opportunity for growth in more virtual conferences as time goes on.

Market Status

What can be said, other than the market is ripe for this company at the moment due to the unfortunate pandemic the world has been grappling with. Though as individuals and investors we hope the pandemic ends soon, we can be optimistic that this venture will continue to grow post Covid-19. This is because we have seen the negative results that arose from being unprepared for such an inevitable event, and as such organizations and governments will continue to invest in online learning, of which VR Education is at the forefront in their selected areas.

It's obvious that eLearning is a hot item right now, and VR Education is very well situated in this market. It can support learning across the globe in a myriad of ways. This provides the company with an excellent potential market, due to the online and digital nature of the IP.

What's more, the current industry perception of VR Education is that it is a "Top Player", as per a forecast report of 2020-2026, released on October 17th 2020.
