Company Overview

When investing in a product, like ENGAGE, it is crucially important to find value, trust, and confidence in the company, not just the product. As such, this section of the venture analysis will outline information about the company itself.

Company Background

VR Education Holdings is a educational technology company based in Ireland and has a dual listing on the London Stock Exchange AIM and Irish Stock Exchange ESM.

The goal of VR Education Holdings is to create rich and robust online interactive experiences in an effort to change how content and training are provided and consumed in both the education and corporate sectors. The company has been a disruptive force in this regard, due to their successful VR learning platform, ENGAGE, which provides educators and corporate trainers the tools they need to create their own content using virtual classrooms or virtual training environments. They also develop award winning educational VR games.

The Board of Directors

To invest in a company is to place trust in the leadership, and VR Education has a well established and accomplished board of directors. Their profiles to the right speak for themselves.

David Whelan is the founder of the company and remains the CEO.

ETEC 512 - BoD

The Team

Company Media

Background information about Education VR Holdings

Company Partnerships and Awards

VR Education is a company that has formed many professional partnerships ranging from global corporations to singular schools. This wide array of partnerships coupled with the pedigree of these companies inspires a great deal of trust and confidence for potential investors.

Another indicator that suggests VR Education is a company worth investing in is the fact that this company wins awards for the products they release time and time again. Here are some of the awards this incredible team has won:

Recent Company Developments

It is important that the company you invest in is continually moving forward, which VR Education is certainly doing, signing a substantial investment partnership with multinational corporation HTC in May of 2020. Below is a video interview with David Whelan, founder and CEO of VR Education, discussing the reasons and benefits of this new partnership.
