

A Highly Subjective Recommended Reading List

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Fiction (With a few essays here and there)

Adler, R. Speedboat, Pitch Dark

Appelfeld, A: Badenheim

Aragon, L: Paris Peasant

Babel, I: Collected Stories

Baldwin, James: Stories; Nobody Knows My Name; Notes of a Native Son

Balzac: Lost Illusions; Stories

Barnes, Djuna: Nightwood; Smoke and Other Stories

Barthelme, Donald: Sixty Stories

Bassani, G: Behind the Door; Garden of the Finzi Contini

Beckett, S: Watt; Molloy; Malone; Malone Dies

Bernhard, Thomas: Correction; Gathering Evidence

Borges, J. L. : Stories


Breton, A: Nadja

Brodkey, Harold: Stories in an Almost Classical Mode

Buchner, Georg: Lenz (published in Collected Works)

Burroughs: Naked Lunch

Calvino, Italo: Six Memos for the Next Millenium; Numbers in the Dark

Camus, Albert: The Myth of Sisyphus; Exile and the Kingdom; The Rebel

Carver, Raymond: Stories


Chekov: stories

Cortazar, J: Hopscotch; stories

Crevel, René

DeQuincey, Thomas: Confessions of an English Opium Eater

Dickens, Charles

Dos Passos, John: USA

Dostoyevsky, F: Brothers Karamazov; Crime and Punishment

Duras, M.: The Lover

Durrell, Lawrence

Eliot, George: Middlemarch; Daniel Deronda; The Lifted Veil

Ellison, Ralph: Invisible Man

Emerson, R. W.

Faulkner, William: Absalom Absalom; The Sound and the Fury

Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby

Flaubert: Three Tales; Madame Bovary; Sentimental Education

Goethe, : Elective Affinities

Gombrowicz, W: Cosmos; Pornographia; Ferdydurke

Grenier, Roger:

Hamsun, K: Hunger

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hemingway, Ernest: A Moveable Feast; Complete Stories

Hernandez, Filisberto:


Hong Kingston, Maxime: Woman Warrior

Hurston, Zora Neale: Moses, Man of the Mountain

Huysmans, : Against Nature

Jacobs, Harriet: Diary in the Life of a Slave Girl

James, Henry: Portrait of a Lady; Stories; Spoils of Poynton, The Ambassadors, The Golden Bowl, The Wings of the Dove

Johnson, Dennis: Jesus’s Son; Already Dead

Joyce, James: Dubliners; Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Ulysses; Finnegan's Wake

Kafka, Franz: Stories, The Castle, The Trial, America

Kawabata, Y: House of the Sleeping Beauties, Snow Country, First Snow on Fuji

Kincaid, Jamaica: Autobiography of My Mother; A Small Place

Kleist: Stories

Lennox, Charlotte: The Female Quixote

Levi, Primo: The Drowned and the Saved

Lispector, Clarice: Soulstorm; Family Ties

Mann, Thomas

Maupassant, Guy de: Stories

Melville, Herman: Moby Dick; Pierre; stories

Morrison, Toni: Sula; The Bluest Eye

Musil, R : Man Without Qualities (Knopf edition); Stories (Continuum edition, or any translations by Burton Pike)

Nabokov, V. : Lolita

O’Connor, Flannery: Complete Stories

Oates, Joyce Carol: Stories

Ondaatje, Michael: Running in the Family

Ozick, Cynthia

Paley, Grace: Stories

Pavese, C: stories and novellas

Prévost, Abbe de: Manon Lescaut

Proust, Marcel: Rememberance of Things Past (A la recherche du temps perdu)

Pynchon, Thomas

Richardson, Samuel: Clarissa

Robbe-Grillet, Alain

Roth, Philip: Portnoy’s Complaint

Ruskin, John

Rousseau, JJ: Confessions; Julie

Sade, Marquis de

Sarraute, Natalie: Tropisms, Childhood

Schulz, Bruno: Complete Stories

Shelley, Mary

Stein, Gertrude: Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas; Selected Writings

Stendhal: Red and the Black; Charterhouse of Parma

Sterne, Laurence: Tristram Shandy; Sentimental Journey

Tanazaki: Some Prefer Nettles


Thoreau, Henry David: Walden; Journal of 1851

Tolstoy: Anna Karenina

Toomer, Jean: Cane


Twain, Mark

Unamuno : Stories

Villiers de L’Isle Adam: Cruel Tales


West, Nathaniel: Day of the Locust; Miss Lonleyhearts

Wharton, Edith: House of Mirth

Woolf, Virginia: Mrs. Dalloway; The Waves; To the Lighthouse

Wright, Richard: Black Boy; Native Son

Yates, Richard: Eleven Kinds of Lonliness; Liars in Love






Baraka, Amiri (aka Jones, LeRoi)

Baudelaire, Charles

Berryman, John

Bishop, Elizabeth

Blackburn, Paul

Blake, William

Bunting, Basil

Cage, John


Celan, Paul


Clare, John


Coolidge, Clark

Crane, Hart

Creeley, Robert

Cummings, E.E.


Dickinson, Emily


Eliot, T.S.

Eshelman, Clayton

Ginsberg, Allen


Gunn, Thom

Herbert, George



Howe, Susan

Hughes, Langston

Kleinzahler, August

Landor, Walter Savage

Moore, Marianne

Neruda, Pablo

Li Po

Mallarmé, Stephane

Mandelstam, Osip



Moore, Marianne

O’Hara, Frank

Olson, Charles

Padgett, Ron

Pound, Ezra


Rimbaud, Arthur

Sachs, Nelly

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Spenser, Edmund

Tsvetaeva, M.

Tu Fu

Ungaretti, Giuseppe

Vallejo, César

Villon, Francois

Whitman, Walt

Williams, William Carlos


Yeats, W. B.

Zukovsky, Louis

Albee, Edward

Beckett, Samuel

Kushner, Tony




Shepherd, Sam

