The Problem

Why is this needed?

If we were to ask the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" to a child, they may come up with an answer right off the bat. Nowadays, teenagers unfortunately lack the inspiration of what they want to do.  Whether it is because they do not want to have the same job as their parents or simply they haven't been inspired by anything. That is what sparks this problem!

What is in the Market?

Currently, there is nothing in the school education field for this kind of application. However, there is in the job training market outside of the secondary stream. A lot of employers have acquired training materials in the form of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). Why can't this be used in the schools? First off, cost. Schools currently do not have the funding to acquire the tools needed and as well as maintain their upkeep costs. Furthermore, there is the possibility of neglect from the student. 

Current Competitors

Job Simulator is a video game for android and steam. This video game allows the user to "re-live" the days of having a job. The game is centered around the idea that we are in the year 2050 and robots have taken over all human jobs.

Although this is novel idea and has the potential to be an education application, it is simply for entertainment. Another barrier to this is the requirement of having a Virtual Reality Headset and hand controls to interact with the game.

Text Based Learning

Another application that is out in the market is myBlueprint. This application assists students in preparation in the career field. This application allows students to build resume's and cover letters. Furthermore, this application assists students in self-discovery. For example, they are able to take personality tests to see what potential jobs would suit them. The application also gives students an in-depth look into the jobs that have been sourced for them but the problem is that students are looking at text and are expected to interpret them without the job exposure.