José Miguel Guerrero Hernández

Curriculum Vitae 

José Miguel Guerrero Hernández received his Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, and Doctorate in Computer Science from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) in 2008, 2010, and 2015. He has been a predoctoral fellow of the training research program at the UCM (2011-2013) and subprogram university lecturer (FPU) at the MECD (2013-2015), postdoctoral research assistant at UCM (2015-2017), UNED (2017-2018) and CIEMAT (2018-2019), and Associate Professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2019-present). He graduated with honors and has received multiple grants and awards.

He participates or has participated as a researcher in 5 European Projects (1 Co-IP), 6 projects of the National Plan, and 3 Art.-83 with the collaboration of multinational companies (CEPSA, CNH, AIRROBOT, BLUEBOTICS, PAL Robotics), national companies (DATAHACK, Seertems) and research centers (ULE, UPM, CSIC, PIC, CERN, TU Delf). During his predoctoral stay at the Intelligent Systems and Robotics group at Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), he applied vision-based machine learning approaches for perceptual tasks on an autonomous car to detect curbs and road limits in real time.

He has made 36 publications (with more than 1500 cites and a 14 h-index), including 17 articles in journals indexed in the JCR (9 Q1, 5 Q2, 2 Q3, 1 Q4) and 3 communications in congresses indexed in GII-GRIN-SCIE (former CORE) (1 Class 1, 3 Class 3). He has participated in 4 international committees and representations (VI CIBELEC 2015, 13th IBERAMIA, 14th CAEPIA, WAF2023) and he is a Guest Editor in Frontiers and a recognized reviewer in international journals indexed in JCR since 2013. Finally, mention that he has taught different courses and classes at UCM, has supervised 7 Final Degree Projects (URJC), 8 Final Master's Dissertations in various Universities (UCM, UNED, and UNIR), and has participated in evaluation committees of Final Degree Projects (23) and Master's Dissertations (85).

His research is focused on the development of new multisensory fusion techniques for Vision Systems applied to Precision Agriculture (8 Q1, 2 Q2, 1 Q4, 2 congresses publications), Marine Navigation (1 Q2 publication), Social Robots (2 Q2 publication), and Robotics, Vision, Safety, Navigation and Localization in both indoor and outdoor environments (1Q1, 1 Q2, 1 Q3, 3 congresses publications) in autonomous robots, in the development of new didactic tools for teaching control (1 book chapter, 1 radio program, participation in 7 projects of Educational Innovation) and the development of real-time applications in C++, ROS, TwinCAT (Beckhoff) and LabVIEW (National Instruments).

He worked as a System Administrator in The Scientific Computing Unit in Tier-2 center (CIEMAT-LCG2) which provides a specific set of services such as process, storing, and analyzing all the data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for the CMS experiment. Its research was focused on Grid Computing, Cloud, Container Virtualization, and Big Data.

Currently, he works as an Associate Professor of Signal Theory, Communications, Telematics Systems, and Computation Department at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC). He has recognized 2 six-year research periods (sexenios) and 2 teaching periods (1 quinquenio, 1 DOCENTIA). He is the mobility coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree in Robotics Software Engineering and is a member of the Intelligent Robotics Lab group and an active member of the ROS/ROS 2 community.