Man, this week's releases were freaking awesome. Really looking forward to the next issue for Blade, Black Panther, and Hawkgirl specifically.

Black Panther #2

I am absolutely loving this series so far.  I was introduced to Black Panther mainly via the MCU. This means I don't have many preconceived notions about the character. With this run stripping T'Challa of his royal allies due to his exile, it is a great jumping on point. Additionally, I love how this series is exploring other parts of Wakanda, specifically the city design of Birnin T'Chaka. Birnin T'Chaka just looks awesome. It's got the bright lights of the city and looks clean and high functioning like everything else in Wakanda. The story so far has taken a character that has always been written as a royal story filled with politics and taken it to a street level which I am definitely digging. The references to the bigger picture of the palace intrigue are enough for now, while we get adapted to the thief, Beisa. Who I am really enjoying in these first two issues. In regards to the overall arc, I am satisfied just knowing it is tied to Deathlok and there is a larger villain in the background. On a final note, it was nice to see Shuri for a bit. I'm curious to see when in the next few issues we will get a picture of her role in the larger story.

Story: Fun street-level dynamic, great role switch for T'Challa. Plenty of plot intrigue to keep me going.

Art: Sick-ass character designs, the city feels lived in and characteristic of the World of Wakanda and the Marvel Universe at large.

Worth the Buy?: For sure get in on the ground floor of what is shaping up to be a phenomenal Black Panther run.

Score: 4/5

Guardians of the Galaxy #4

Lanzing's current run of Guardians started a little bit before Guardians 3 was released in theaters this May. I liked how the story was quite distinct from the team featured in the film because of how fractured they are. After reading more Guardians before the film came from other runs, I found this is often the case. This dynamic is entertaining to me due to how deeply flawed these characters are. I appreciate how this issue picks up with where Rocket has been up to during the Grootfall saga, especially, after Groot's plea to find him last issue. It is clear this story is really building up steam and I like that. Our heroes are coming together and trying to heal the family. I think the art fits the Space Western aesthetic this current run is going for. This week's issue continues with stellar art depicting my favorite murderous raccoon and his robotic replacement Groot. The story's pace seems to ramping up rather quickly in the last few issues. I'm definitely intrigued to find out what happens next in the Grootfall saga.

Story: Grootfall saga is picking up steam much like our tree friend if he was on fire

Art: The dusty, western style is cool and it was nice to see Rocket's design 

Worth the Buy?: If you are keeping up with this run, it's definitely important to keep up with how the crew is reuniting to solve the Grootfall dilemma

Score: 4/5

Blade #1

The Daywalker is back, and man am I excited. Since I picked up comic book collecting this year as a hobby, I've been looking to get into Blade. I want to be prepared before his first true outing in the MCU (Eternals doesn't count). This run starts off with a banger in my opinion. I love how the artwork is dripping in red and is so stylized. The introduction to this run's story seems like we are in for a treat. I have no idea if any of these are typical recurring characters in Blade's stories but they all give off cool vibes. I loved the instant double cross it definitely sets the tone the series is trying to carry going forward.  I'm eagerly awaiting for this series to continue.

Story: Daywalker needs to kill his way through the underworld to save the Earth. Sounds like the start of a great ride. I'm in!

Art: I love this art, it's based in red (which seems like an obvious choice for a vampire, but I love it) It's got hard, lines, and uses lighting in very cool ways. 

Worth the Buy: Hell yes, this book is awesome. Hop in early and follow along

Score: 5/5

Tales of the Titans #1

Over the next few months, there will be a tie-in companion series to the mainline Titans comic. This companion series over the course of four issues will explore one member of the team. This first issue focuses on Starfire. I love this focused exploration of Starfire as a character. She has in the past been portrayed as the more emotional member of the Titans. This single issue seeks to dissect her personality and its various traits and what it means to her and the other Titans. This idea is awesome because it puts the character under a microscopic lens that allows for great introspection and analysis of the character. Throughout the course of the issue her feelings on being the emotional core of the team, her royal past, and her relationship with her fellow team members. The story she goes on contextualizes these components as she works to save individuals related to her lost homeworld and help her team defeat evil on Earth. The intergalactic scale of this solo story allows for great insight, and a way to better understand her as a character. Additionally, the art in this issue is full of pastel colors which, support the introspective journey the story takes the reader on.

Story: This deconstruction of Starfire's personality and journey as a Titan is fantastic and makes me excited for the remaining issues focusing on Raven, Donna Troy's Wonder Girl, and Beast Boy.

Art: Unique, pastel art style that compliments the character and the way the story explores her personality.

Worth the Buy: Absolutely, this is a four-issue mini-series that uses the mainline Titans team but doesn't rely on that book for its story, as of yet. If you are a fan of the Titans and Starfire be sure to check it out.

Score: 4.5/5

Hawkgirl #1

Kendra Saunders, is Hawkgirl in DC's Dawn of DC initiative. I personally am used to the Shayera Hol version of the character from the animated Justice League. So this excites me to get to know another hero who holds the Hawkgirl mantle. This issue #1 seems to be setting up a mythical story, with roots back to animal medallions and mystical characters. This premise is interesting to me, so I'm excited to keep reading and discovering more of the plot as the story progresses. Additionally, I think it will be interesting to see this run tackle the mental component of Kendra's character. The hints in this first issue have me feeling like it's the start of a deep psychological exploration of the character. On another note, I love how the story throws you into the mix of this iteration of the character and her relationship with other heroes in the DC Universe. The dialogue between her and Black Canary and Superman felt like something ripped from my childhood. Overall, very intrigued going forward and eagerly awaiting the next issue.

Story: Great first issue, sets up a lot of intrigue. Love the sprinkling of other heroes to establish Kendra's relationship with the rest of DC's heroes.

Art: Continuing the streak of great art in this slate of Dawn of DC relaunches.

Worth the Buy?: Hell yes, get in now before the story kicks into high gear.

Score:  4.5/5

Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow #4

I'm enjoying this story, but not nearly to the same extent as the mainline Superman title. I like Connor as a character the space exploration stuff is cool to separate him from the rest of DC's pantheon of characters. However, its also making it harder for me to get into the plot of the title. Could just be me not being familiar with the cosmic characters the run is using. This issue continues to explore the trafficking and exploitation of species galaxy wide. It is starting to ramp up which is getting me a bit more invested. We will see if the trend continues when the run continues after Knight Terrors. The art is stellar, I love the colors and line work. So glad to see more of it in future issues.

Story: Setting up great stakes for the next issue. The cosmic faring nature is growing on me slowly. But not enough for it to be a must read or first read when the next issue comes out. Could just be Young Justice is my entry to Connor and I like him better in familiar group settings. So more likely a me issue than the book itself.

Art: I really am enjoying the color palette this run uses. Lots of vibrant colors for both boxes and the panels. It's balancing out some of the story's shortcomings for me and is keeping me coming back.

Worth the Buy?: If you are enjoying the run for sure continue this galaxy-spanning space adventure. If not I'd wait until a bit later jumping on point.

Score: 3.75/5 

Void Rivals #2

I'm vibin' with this series really heavy, two issues in. I like the survival sci-fi plot themes a lot. As the issue continued and started to dive more into the similarities between our protagionists, I started flipping pages faster and faster. The reveal in the final few pages reminded me of the parable of The Good Samaritan. I'm super excited to see this series continue and how it will continue to tie into the Energon shared universe. The few hints in the first two issues have got me intrigued going forward.

Story: This story is shaping up to be one of the best ongoing runs in comics I'm following.

Art: I love the art, the character designs have been super dope. Can't wait to see more in the future issues as it balances simple yet futuristic designs.

Worth the buy?: Hell yeah! Get into this series now before you are behind the curve.

Score: 5/5