Research Presentations in 2017

[2017년 Research Presentations]


Jeongkwon Kim, Improvement of MALDI-MS performance for various sample analysis, 대한화학회 제120회 총회 및 학술발표회, 광주 김대중 컨벤션 센터, 2017.10.18-20 <분석화학학술상 수상 기념 강연>


Yeoseon Kim, Dabin Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Exosome Isolation Using Repeated Cycles of Centrifugation at Different Enrichment Speeds, The 46th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2017 Jeju), Jeju, Korea, Nov 5-9, 2017

Dabin Lee, Yeoseon Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Generation of Polypeptided Ladders Using Microwave-Assisted Acid Hydrolysis, The 46th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2017 Jeju), Jeju, Korea, Nov 5-9, 2017


Yeoseon Kim, Dabin Lee, Sooyeon Chae, Jangsu Lee, Jihyun peak, and Jeongkwon Kim, Effects of acetonitrile amounts on bovine serum albumin and myoglobin tryptic digestion in gentle mixing or microwave2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Dabin Lee, Jihyun Paek, Yeoseon Kim, Jangsu Lee, Sooyeon Chae and Jeongkwon Kim, Derivatization of myoglobin after microwave-assisted acid hydrolysis2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Sooyeon Chae, Yeoseon Kim, Jangsu Lee, Jihyun Paek, Dabin Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Optimized condition in MALDI-TOF MS analysis of N-glycans2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Shin Hye Kim, Hyun Jun Jang, Jeong Hyang Park, Hyoung Jun Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Yong-Hyeon Yim, Dan Bee Kim,*, and Sohee Yoon, Comparison of Desorption Enhancement Methods in the Low Temperature Plasma Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Detecting Fatty Acids in Drosophila2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Minkyung Sung, Joonhee Lee, Byungjoo Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Analysis of tocopherol in spinach using isotope dilution liquid chromatography mass spectrometry2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Sunwoong Son, Seonghee Ahn, Byungjoo Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Profiling of fragmentation pathway for thiamethoxam2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Hyunjeong Ju, Song-Yee Baek, Byungjoo Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in olive oil using isotope dilution-gas chromatography mass spectrometry2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25

Jangsu Lee, Jihyun Paek, Yeoseon Kim, Dabin Lee, Sooyeon Chae, Jeongkwon Kim, Effect of ethanol on Freeze Vacuum Drying sample preparation in MALDI-MS2017년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주 ICC, 2017.8.23-25


Jangsu Lee, Jihyun Paek, Yeoseon Kim, Dabin Lee, Sooyeon Chae, Jeongkwon Kim, Crystallization of Cytochrome c using Freeze Vacuum Drying (FVD) using Ethanol in Analysis by MALDI-MS, 2017년도 대한화학회 분석/전기화학분과회 합동 심포지엄, 제주대학교 702호관 아라컨벤션홀(국제교류회관), 2017.6.29-30 <우수포스터상 수상>

Sooyeon Chae, Dabin Lee, Yeoseon Kim, Jangsu Lee, Jihyun Paek, Jeongkwon Kim, Effect of cation on glycan analysis in mass spectrometry, 2017년도 대한화학회 분석/전기화학분과회 합동 심포지엄, 제주대학교 702호관 아라컨벤션홀(국제교류회관), 2017.6.29-30


Dongwon Shin; Jihyun Paek; Jeongkwon Kim, Improved Quantitative Analysis in MALDI-MS Using Freeze Vacuum Drying; Proceedings: the 65th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; JUNE 4 – 8, 2017

Jihyun Paek; Jeongkwon Kim, Effect of Additive Cation on the Analysis of Sucrose Using MALDI-MS; Proceedings: the 65th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; JUNE 4 – 8, 2017

Sohee Yoon; Shin-Hye Kim; Tae Geol Lee; Jeongkwon Kim, Sample Preparation of the Corn Seed Tissues to Prevent Analyte Relocations for MS imaging; Proceedings: the 65th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; JUNE 4 – 8, 2017


백지현 김정권, Microwave-assisted week acid hydrolysis of proteins using hydrochloric acid generating serial detachment of amino acids, 대한화학회 제119회 총회 및 학술발표회, 일산 KINTEX, 2017.4.19-21


Jihyun Paek, Dabin Lee, Yeoseon Kim, Sooyeon Chae, Jeongkwon Kim, The effect of Sodium and Potassium ions for sucrose detection by comparing charcoal, DHB and CHCA matrices in MALDI-MS analysis, 2017년도 한국질량분석학회 겨울심포지엄, 서울 KIST 국제협력관 컨벤션 홀, 2017.2.10

Jayeon Joo, Joonhee Lee*, Byungjoo Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Simultaneous analysis of thiamine and biotin in infant formula by isotope dilution-liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, 2017년도 한국질량분석학회 겨울심포지엄, 서울 KIST 국제협력관 컨벤션 홀, 2017.2.10


Total of 19