Research Presentations in 2014

[2014년 Research Presentations]

Taehee Kim, Jihyeon Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Observation of piperazine-based derivatization of carboxyl groups of peptides using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry,  2014년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주국제컨벤션센터 (ICC Jeju), 2014.8.20-22

Jihyeon Lee, Taehee Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Centrifugation-assisted tryptic digestion,  2014년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주국제컨벤션센터 (ICC Jeju), 2014.8.20-22

Hyunjung Kwon, Joonhee Lee, Byungjoo Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Simultaneous analysis of pantothenic acid and pyridoxine in multivitamin tablets and infant formula using isotope dilution-liquid chromatography mass spectrometry,  2014년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주국제컨벤션센터 (ICC Jeju), 2014.8.20-22

Shinhye Kim, Jeong Hee Moon, Tae Geol Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Sohee Yoon, Applications of laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) for analysis of intact bacteria,  2014년도 한국질량분석학회 여름정기학술대회 및 총회, 제주국제컨벤션센터 (ICC Jeju), 2014.8.20-22


Taehee Kim, Jihyeon Lee, Jeongkwon Kim, Study of the ratio of isotope distributions of heme ion using Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization; The 5th AOMSC & 33rd CMSS Annual Conference; Peking University, Beijing, China; July 16-18, 2014

Jihyeon Lee, Min Sun Kim, Hyun Sik Kim, Jeongkwon Kim, Effective Analysis of RDX and HMX using ion trap MS, orbitrap MS, and FT-ICR MS in negative mode; The 5th AOMSC & 33rd CMSS Annual Conference; Peking University, Beijing, China; July 16-18, 2014


Jihyeon Lee; Taehee Kim; Jeongkwon Kim, Effect of Centrifugation on Tryptic Digestion; Proceedings: the 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; June 15 - 19, 2014

Jeongkwon Kim; Zhijing Tan; Jianhui Zhu; Haidi Yin; Song Nie; David M. Lubman, Characterization of a Distinct 1-D Gel Band from Ultracentrifuge-Enriched Exosomes; Proceedings: the 62nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics; Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, USA; June 15 - 19, 2014


Taehee Kim, Jihyeon Lee and Jeongkwon Kim, Investigation of intensity of monoisotope using Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry, 2014년도 한국질량분석학회 겨울심포지엄, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2014.2.20-21

Jihyeon Lee, Min Sun Kim, Hyun Sik Kim, SooGyeong Cho, EunMee Goh, Sungman Lee, Sung-Suk Koh, Jeongkwon Kim, Analysis of two explosives (RDX and HMX) using ion trap MS, orbitrap MS, and FT-ICR MS, 2014년도 한국질량분석학회 겨울심포지엄, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2014.2.20-21