Open Access E-Books

Open Access E-Books: Free and Downloadable

E-Books have been categorized as per type of content. Click on the titles below to access the respective E- Books

(A) Open Access E -Books:

1. PDFDrive - PDF Drive is a search engine for PDF files. There are 84,552,812 eBooks for you to download for free.

2. Digital Library of India - 38,280 books are available in PDF format

3. IntechOpen - 4,800 Open Access E-Books for the Scientists

4. OAPEN (Open Access Publishing in European Networks) -The OAPEN Library contains 36,000 freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.

5. Project Gutenberg: Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.

6. ManyBooks: Ultimate guide to free e-books, offers more than 50,000 e-books to be discovered!

7. HathiTrust Digital Library: HathiTrust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.

8. DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books): 29,872 Academic peer-reviewed books from 393 publishers

​9. OpenStax - Free, flexible, peer-reviewed Textbooks available in convenient formats for students (Science, humanities, social sciences, commerce, etc.)

10. Open Textbook Library - Textbooks every student can access and afford. These books have been reviewed by faculty from a variety of colleges and universities to assess their quality.

11. Free Book Notes - An aggregate literary resources of over 53,000 books

12. - Thousands of free books to read whenever and wherever you like!

13. FreeTechBooks - Database of Free, Open Access Online Computer Science books, Textbooks, and Lecture Notes

14. Commons Open Educational Resources - OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources.

15. Bookyards - Library to the world - Over 24,000 eBooks freely available

16. Folger Shakespeare Library - Read full texts of Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, poems online or download for free!

17. हिंदी - Website for Hindi E-Books download

18. - More than 8300 Hindi books available for download

19. e-Balbharati: Std. XII (HSC) - Downloadable E-Books of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.

20. NCERT Books: Text Books for all classes from Std. I to Std. XII available in pdf format for reading online as well as downloading.

(B) Open Access Books for Users with Visually Challenged and Low Vision Disabilities:

1. Sugamya Pustakalay - A collection of over 6,53,234 books accessible to the visually challenged, people with low vision or to persons with any other print disability, this library of libraries is your one-stop shop.

(C) Open Access Audio Books:

1. LibriVox: A library of around 14,000 audio books freely available on the internet in the public domain

2. Open Culture: 1,000 free Audio Books Downloadeable

( D ) Open Access Rare Books and Manuscripts:

1. Rare Book Room - Rare Books Online from across the globe

2. Abhilekh Patal (National Archives of India): Portal for access to archives and learning - 70,844 Digitised records and 27,60,969 digitised pages, as of 19-May-2020

3. Bharatiya Kriti Sampada (National Mission for Manuscripts) : Developed by Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India - A database of all Indian manuscripts in the country and abroad. Access to 23,40,000 e-documents

4. Indian Manuscripts: Indian Antique Books and Manuscripts, ancient documents, palm leaf manuscripts, tamrapatra, etc. - More than 1,50,000 e-pages of original ancient Indian Scripts.

5. Rare Book Society of India: A virtual space for rare book collectors and history buffs to read, discuss, rediscover and download lost books.

6. Gita Supersite: Developed by IIT Kanpur, has a treasure of Shrimad Bhagwadgita, Ramcharitmanas, Brahma Sutra, Upanishads, etc. with translations

Open Access Databases

(A) Open Access Databases:

1. Legal Information Institute of India - Free, Independent and Non-Profit Access to 159 Databases of India Law

2. India Environment Portal by Centre for Science and Environment: Over 4,00,000 contextual, curated, cross-tagged specialised research reports and government documents on environment

3. ScienceOpen: A freely accessible search and discovery platform that puts research in context, a discovery platform with interactive features for scholars to enhance their research in the open, make an impact, and receive credit for it.

4. BASE- Bielefeld Academic Search Engine: World's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources, BASE provides more than 150 million documents from more than 7,000 sources. 60% of the indexed documents can be accessed for free.

5. CORE: The world’s largest database collection of open access research papers (19,52,37,188). The Open University, UK & JISC Initiative

6. Microsoft Academic: 'Research more, search less' from 235,438,149 publications, 48,859 journals, 740,623 topics, and 25,719 institutions.

(B) Open Access Datasets:

1. Kaggle datasets: Offers all the code & data needed to do data science work. Over 19,000 public datasets and 200,000 public notebooks available.

2. Scientific Data: Scientific Data is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets, and research that advances the sharing and reuse of scientific data. All content is hosted on

3. OpenML: An open, collaborative, frictionless, automated machine learning environment with Datasets,automatically analyzed, annotated, and organized online.

4. Quandl: The premier source for financial, economic, and alternative datasets, serving investment professionals.